Tuesday, 30 December 2008

My brother on Christmas day.

Christmas in the loony bin. from Nicole Smith on Vimeo.

Blimey, you can hear how Northern our accents are can't you?

Friday, 19 December 2008

Eight things that the British truly suck at.

As a Yorkshire-ish and English person (I am NOT British, British implies the BNP, and I HATE the BNP) I have a fairly good perception of what a British person's vices are (though of course because I'm self-proclaimed Not-British, I have no vices. None. At all. Ever).

1. British people are crap at basketball. The guys? If they aren't on the school team they are terrible. The girls? They stop playing and have shrieking matches over who shoved who (seriously, Lauren head butted Bena today and was staggering around the court for ages after).

2. British people are stuck up. Love Actually was not exaggerating. Colin Frissell had the right idea about America all along.

3. British people are ugly people on the whole. That way, British music is actually good, because the musicians can't get rich from their looks, they actually have to work for it.

4. British people are damp. Yes. British people match the weather.

5. British people are orange. They are. They are addicted to sun beds. Like that woman in Pink's Stupid Girls video.

6. British people, particularly British people in the South of England, are shit at making tea. Only people in Northern England can make tea, beyond that, it's crap.

7. British people cannot take traditions seriously. They HAVE to commercialise everything. Valentine's Day and Christmas might have meant something other than tacky plastic decorations once, one never knows in this place.

8. British people are the worst excuse for a prosperous nation ever. My arse are they. Thanks to all the lovely kind people in London taking ludicrously large 'bonuses' every other week, we are all stuck in the midst of an economic crisis.

Thank you, Britain, thank you.

STOP!!! Man Down! MAN DOWN!

Because the people I live with are not so much a family as an assembly of tragic fools, I got no sleep last night and went to school exceptionally pig-eyed. I staggered into my mum's room and told her that she needed to write me a note excusing me from PE because I'd had a chest infection and had been adviced not to take part, wink wink nod nod.

Shocked and appalled to feel how cold it was outside but was later amazed to discover that the buses now have TELEVISIONS on them, and so I was watching silent and boring TV programs on the way to school. Lovely.

I was practically clawing at my face as I stood waiting to go into registration. Time was so s-l-o-w.

Physics first... Work, muchos work. It was very boring...

Then Anna and Ashley dropped Le Bomb. They got me a Christmas card. Shocked, I opened the black envelope...

It had a Christmassy dominatrix on the front. I almost choked.

PE was eventful... I didn't play of course, but I watched the girls playing basketball. Everytime Anna or Tilda played I nearly had a stroke. I was preparing myself for the moment where one of them would fall to the floor and I'd have to tear onto the court screaming 'STOP! STOP THE GAME! MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN! CALL THE MORGUE!'. Luckily the moment never came though Anna got into a little confrontation with Ellie Radford over who caught the ball first. The whole time I was muttering 'don't do it Anna. Do NOT get into a fight with Ellie, not if you value your life.' Izzie told me off for not having more faith in them, but how can I help it? Ellie is brutal.

English... Spent the whole time eating chocolate with Bena and willing myself not to do one of the following things...

1. Cry.

2. Claw my face off in impatience for the day to end.

3. Burst out laughing when Juliet has that little crying attack after Romeo dies.

Well, I managed not to do 1 or 2, but 3 was a lost cause.

I went hunting down exam papers after the lesson but couldn't find any so I went back to form and with me I brought crackers.

To sum up: Snap-bang-crack, Tilda and x's cracker, bad jokes, hats and a spuckload of stickers.

Got home and had a argument with mum over whether nativity plays are boring or not.

They SO are.

Friday, 5 December 2008

'I think the word house implies more legroom'

[Quote: Breaking Dawn - Stephenie Meyer. It would be Twilight wouldn't it?]

What is with this house? Seriously. Yesterday a cupboard door fell on my foot and today I had to have a shower in the dark (though I'm not complaining, a lot goes unsaid for things like that). Also I had to pluck my eyebrows by candlelight because most of the lights have blown.

I mean, I knew I lived in a cave and that my family are cavemen ('Dad? Do you want a drink?' 'Nfff.'), but c'MON, this is insane.

I've been known to get my best ideas in the shower, and today was no exception. I figure I don't really want to be a doctor anymore. If this is the way my immune system reacts to pressure, a hospital is the best and worse place for me to be. And also sick people are fun to poke.

So what do I do now? I asked myself.

Well I'm perfectly happy to do something in the background, work in a music store or a bakery or something (a nice bakery, like Millie's Cookies or some place, not a crumby (haha! Crumby...) place like Woodheads where they practically spit into your pasty-to-go), but I like to be creative, and so I thought maybe something along the lines of writing as well. I have plenty of ideas for stories, and I sometimes spend whole days just typing away at things I've been dreaming about, but I don't have the time at the moment, which is always a flaw.

So writing in the future is a definite maybe (a 'definite maybe'... don't mull over that one too much, my brain hurts), which is good, that eases the pressure of living off somewhat.

This is definitely a good thing blogbugs, all of a sudden I have a little more bearing of what my life could be like.

But then again, I'm easily swayed, just look how much this groovy new thing called THE SEA distracted me...


*Quick! Nicole has something profound to say!*

Ha, you wish you were so lucky...

This could be a fail in the history of blog writing because I'm writing without any inspiration, and in a fit of inspirationless woopsie I thought perhaps I could turn that on it's head and use the fact I haven't got any inspiration to, like, inspire me, you know?

Yeah, I know, I don't understand me either.

Mhmm... So I don't know what I'm doing this weekend anymore. I'm not babysitting ze kids anymore because my brother has called in sick.

Would you believe that? I've been ill for the last three weeks, and then when I'm about to do something, SOMEONE ELSE tells me they are ill.

Oh, that's real considerate, go on, be ILL why don't you?!

I think my mum's going to force me back to school on monday. This isn't good blogbugs (I appear to have coined this phrase), I have a French oral exam on monday, and I'm no good at orals (don't even go there).

I suppose I *could* revise...

Holy mandrakes Batman! Did she just say that?!

Oh dear... Usually when I'm this bored I end up doing something that results in a reduction in my eyebrows (or what's left of them).

Stop me before I strike again.


It could only happen if I was involved.

Yes, blogbugs, it has happened.

I've killed the blogsphere forever.

The Urban Family are now on cyberspace.

The Urban Family Blog.

Be afraid.

It's just me and Matt at the moment. But I'm definite that there will be some input from the other guys.

Again, I'm incredibly sorry about this...


Thursday, 4 December 2008

My niece's favourite question:


It's a perfectly good question. Why is the most asked question in all of history, but I think it's the question that gets answered the least too.

When my nieces ask me 'why' something does something, it's usually not out of real curiosity. Or more, it's out of curiosity to see when I'll crack.


Kelsi: Nicoooole?

Me: Hey hun, what's up?

Kelsi: It's raining.

Me: I know, it's a shame, we'll have to stay inside

Kelsi: Nicoooole? Why is is raining?

Me: Because of the clouds.

Kelsi: Why are there clouds?

Me: Because the water likes to fly when it gets warm.

Kelsi: Why does the water like to fly?

Me: Because water doesn't approve of the rising cost of plane tickets.

Kelsi: Why?

Me: Because water is masochistic. It preferred it when everything ran off steam.

Kelsi: *pause* Why?

Me: Because frozen cubes of urine fell from the sky and offered it a cigarette. Tag! You're it! *runs away*


Kids are tough work, take it from me.

Or maybe Kelsi's just tough work. I love her insanely of course, but she's so unbelievably cocky. Her sister Eboni will hear what you say and leave it at that, then go off to play with her doctor's set (I bought her that... *super auntie*), but Kelsi sees RIGHT through you. She's loud, she answers back and she loves to push her luck, nothing gives her a greater buzz. She'd give Steven Hawking a run for his money.

Still, she's Kelsi, she's awesome. Don't feel you have to doubt that for a second.

(Seriously, don't, or Super Auntie [me] will kick your ass into the middle of next century)


The meaning of this post is that I was just (well, about half an hour ago now) thinking about why I blog, and I came up with this excuse reason.

When I go to write a blog, often I don't actually have a reason. I start out typing and each one is a thought-track (which is why I digress quite a bit). And so I can come out with some pretty random stuff because none of it is premeditated. Then I just safely store it away ('safely' turns into 'on the internet for everyone to see' somewhere along the line) to refer back to later.

So there is the explanation nobody ever asked for.



Wednesday, 3 December 2008

My furry best friend.

No, I don't mean Matt.

I refer you to Zebbie, the family dog. He lives with my auntie and I've grown up with him, we are the same age.

I'm going to give you as many reasons as I can think of why this dog is the best dog in the world.

He's warm.

My brother - Paul - refers to Zebbie as a 'living hot water bottle' because he will (usually unwillingly) get in bed with you and keep you warm whilst growling because you've trapped him there. It's oddly soothing.

He's cranky.

He's fifteen now, so he's old in dog years. His back legs don't work so well, he's half deaf and half blind. He's a grumpy old man with a bad temper, and will growl at anything. This is kind of endearing as he never growls at me. He knows me.

He's childish.

He's juvenile and despite being a miserable old bugger he loves running around playing fetch, and then when he catches whatever you throw him, he utterly decimates it. He has us all on edge with his antics. It's similar to when my eighty-year-old great-uncle Ernest was racing up and down a field on a moped at seventy miles per hour at my uncle's wedding and we were all shrieking at him to slow down and take it easy.

He's a snob.

He acts like he owns EVERYTHING. He has breakfast cooked for him every morning, we all feel morally obliged to feed him under the table at family functions, he buries everyone's underwear, he poos wherever he sees fit and he'll shove past you if you aren't going somewhere fast enough.

Oh, and he'll drag you around for miles if you take him for a walk and there's not a damned thing you can do about it.

He's romantic.

He's not a shameless doggy lothario. He's a proper gentlemanly dog.

He's a toddler.

He still has a blanket which he sleeps with every night and woe betide anyone who dares to steal it.

He's a softy.

Especially with me. When my parents went to America and I was sleeping on my grandma's sofa, I was very upset and Zebbie picked up on that. He slept beside me on the sofa (very squished...) and kept me company all night long. He then had a hissy fit when my grandma hit me with a walking stick to wake me up the next morning.

(The flipside to this is that he actually held me hostage on the sofa. Everytime I moved he growled and then if I stopped stroking his head he nudged me awake.)

He's crap with children.

He hates it when Kelsi or Eboni swarm around him. He's become such a grumpy bastard. When we were young he was very protective over me. He'd sit with me in my grandma's garden and keep watch whilst I played, and he'd whine if I cried. He also let me sit on his back sometimes.

We're a couple of losers.

We've been known to sit in the drive at my grandma's house and complain about the world. Well, I do the complaining, he just barks at things.

He's a sheepdog.

I've never seen him around sheep but when we used to go for walks in the fields near my grandma's place, he used to run around in the hay and go ape-shit crazy.

And finally, he makes an awesome fairy.

When he was a puppy (ish...) I dressed him up in my fairy costume. He looked awesome. I have it on video somewhere...


So three cheers for the Zeb-meister, for he is the most fantastical old bastard I've ever come across for sure.


Tuesday, 2 December 2008

End of an era.

I have decided that the days of 'Sie Erfasst Mein Herz' are over.

Fear/rejoice not! I don't mean I'm going to give up blogging and actually have a life, I merely mean I'm going to stop signing off with Sie Erfasst Mein Herz as I have done for the last year and a half (give or take a few months) and start using my real name.

It just seems more practical as most people know I'm called Nicole anyway and the Sie Erfasst Mein Herz guise was originally all about that fact that I actually cared if people knew who I was or not.

Not that I haven't enjoyed the air of [failed] mystery is presents, but it's so much easier to recount stories if I can just say my name.

And so I'll see you out there.


Tuesday, 25 November 2008

My Friends: Actually.

I just recalled my purpose here:

To tell the world of my friends and their incredible similarity to characters from Love Actually.

Indeed... Let me introduce you...

Me: Colin Frissell

Key quotes:

'I am Colin Frissell, god of sex. I'm just on the wrong continent, that's all.'
'I am! I'm going to America!'
'Hello, my future wife.'

Tilda: Juliet

Key quotes:

'Banoffee pie?'
'All I want is a video of me in a dress that isn't turquoise.'
'Oh, bingo! Well done you!'

Matt: This guy (forgotten his name) *

[Either that or THE WORST DJ IN THE WORLD]

Key quotes:

'I do admit, the prostitutes were a mistake.'
'No surprises.'
'Erm, excuse me! Those aren't funny! They're actually art.'

Anna: Sarah

Key quotes:

'I've done fuck all and I never will because he is too good for me.'
'Do you think KARL knows that?!'
'Well I'm not sure if it'll be possible to get hold of the pope tonight... well I'm sure he's very good at exorcisms b-... Yes well I'm sure Bon Jovi is too.'

Emma: Carol (Carol had only a small part in the film so I couldn't find a picture)

Key quotes:

'Nooo! That's cool!'
'I'll make SURE we do.'
'Ahh sorry!'

[I've fallen short here... But It's difficult to put Emma into context with someone with so few lines... It's more to do with the fact that Carol is obviously funny and sweet and kind.]


Anna agrees with me that I'm Colin Frissell's female equivalent, this is the ultimate sign of correctness: Anna Approved.

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Monday, 24 November 2008

Ok, I give up.

See that the description thingy remains unchanged because I cannot be arsed to do anything anymore.

(This is a side-effect of the pills... I know this, but there's nothing I can do so I'm riding it out)

Here are several reasons why my life sucks in the extreme:

- I'm stuck in bed with no signs of ever leaving it again.
- I've missed one exam already, I also have fuckloads of mock exams next week.
- I appear to have forgotten how to use sarcasm.
- I am very angsty and need to go to an angsty home.
- I take everything too seriously. There is not a way in this world or the next that I could be only fifteen.
- My life is boring and ruled over by school, a place I don't really want to be anymore.
- I can't afford to go to America and even though I have my gorgeous little America Fund, there is no way I'll have enough money until atleast 2020.
- I'm failing miserably at school. I need a B in biology to take it for A Level and so far I have two Cs, when I went to resit the exam I was ill and now I've missed stupid amounts of lessons because, you guessed it, I'm ill.
- I'm ill.
- Everyone is miserable at school.
- I'm so tired but I can't sleep anymore today.
- My nose is all squashed because I fell asleep on my face again.


And now, a few reasons why my life is fantastic:

- Twilight comes out as a movie in less than a month.
- New Moon is going to be made into a movie.
- I'll have enough money to do the Christmas shopping soon (I'm weird... I get more of a kick out of buying things for other people than I do for myself)
- I'm only on the pills for three more days before I can enter reality again.
- I have a history test tomorrow but I won't be sitting it.
- I'm listening to a song called 'Twilight Sun' which is a very very good song.
- My Twilight shirt and hat will arrive soon and I can go around being the unofficial Twilight street-team whilst Anna commits me to an asylum.
- Only six more months of school before I can leave FOREVER (And then come back to go to the sixth form... should I get in, which seems more unlikely by the minute.)
- I read Twilight for the umpteenth time today and I still get a kick out of reading it.
- I could probably try to sleep now.


Hmm... I sound ever so slightly obsessed now...

But hey, it's not the first time Twilight has given me something to live for.

(See September this year)

(Actually, don't. I don't think I wrote it down because I was on such a huge downer all month)

(Hmm... Lemme check)

Aha, found it.

'Walking down the stone steps into the cellar I kept thinking, ‘what if I just let my legs go now?’ and I realised that I didn’t want to think about that predicament... I needed to read my book first.

There’s something highly pathetic... If not downright unhealthy... about the fact I was letting my care for life hang in the balance of a book.'


Unhealthy, that's it, right there.

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

To Eboni:

Boo! Hehehe, scared you.

I hope you are feeling okay now. I know Daddy scared you when he got the saw out and threatened to cut your head off. He was only joking though...

I hope you had a happy birthday. I remember when you were born, three years ago today, you had black hair and dark eyes, just like me when I was a baby. And I remember when you were a tiny baby, and all your hair fell out and your daddy would always call you Baldy, because your hair didn't grow back as quickly as Kelsi's did (I think... Sadly I didn't know Kelsi existed until she was seven months old) and you were all grumpy.

You're a gorgeous little girl with clever-looking eyes and beautiful curly blond hair. You want to be a doctor when you are older and today you were running around in a nurse's outfit making everyone feel better before your daddy scared you off and we all had to try and calm you down.

Three years old! That's HUGE!

But I know you'll enjoy the cake, no matter how old you are.

Auntie Cole xxx

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Friday, 21 November 2008

To Kelsi:

My oldest niece. She's having an operation today (her hearing is really bad, she's having her ears.. umm... tweeked...) and so I figure I should say something.


Hey baby, good luck and don't worry, it won't hurt too much and you'll get lots of love and cuddles when you wake up. I'll give you a big hug when I next see you (probably tomorrow) and I'll tell your daddy to send my love. Love you so much. Nicole x.


Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Auf 2018...

Yumm... A nice slice of German in that title...

In 2018, when I'm twenty five and the education-ish part of my life is pretty much done with, I'd like to be:

  • In America. Forks to be precise. If I live there I'll probably be alone, but that doesn't bother me so much. If I still live in York, I'll have used my America Fund to visit Forks by that time. If I'm in York I won't be living at home anymore.
  • I'll be a doctor by then. I'll have finished medical school and I'll know lots. Either that or I'll be an utter failure living on benefits.
  • Hmmm... My brother is only twenty four and he has three kids already... So there is hope for the twenty-five-year-old me...
  • I might have found that person. Might. I doubt I'll run into them anytime soon though. (how depressing)
  • I'll be able to drive, and I'll be driving everywhere.
  • Kelsi will be fifteen, Eboni will be thirteen and Rhiley will be ten, so my brother and sister-in-law may be in a lunatic asylum by that point.
  • I might have lost weight... Apologies for adding that highly superficial comment but it is true, or more, it could be.

Time will tell...

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Out in the real world.

We all call it that.


And so, dear friends, I must ask... What in the name of all things good and holy (or evil and benign, if you swing that way) is 'the real world'.

I mean, you don't say 'Back in a moment! Just gonna go buy a newspaper in the real world!' now do you? And that newspaper isn't called 'News Of The Real World' either.

So what the hell is the 'real' world?

Am I not part of the real world because I am still attending a school? Teachers work at school, but they are all clued up on 'the real world' and apparently when we go into 'the real world' we will appreciate their shouting and screaming at us, preparation it seems.

We mere students call it 'the real world' too... But only because it's common language these days. I think we don't exist at the moment... I think I'm a figment of your imagination and you should just stop reading.


Or not.

What the hell is the REAL world?

Bloody teachers... Do they really think so low of us that we don't actually exist to them?

Anyway, I'm on the verge of whining, which, as I'm sure you clever real-worldish people know, would not be good.

Well, this is me - or not, as I may not exist - for the next few months (until June) and so I'll see you out in the real world soon enough.

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Friday, 7 November 2008

To Rhiley:

Hello there baby boy.

Guess how much I love you. This much! No... Not that much, that much barely covers my love for your fingertips, never mind the rest of you!

No, I love you more than anything in the world. You probably don't recognise me. Me and your mummy don't talk much, but when we do it's great. If you've heard me, I'm the one telling your mummy to sit down and relax, or telling your daddy off for making silly comments.

I'd hoped for ages that you would come into the world... And when your big sister Kelsi told me that you were in mummy's tummy I was so happy... I couldn't wait. A little baby! Something new and shiny, something to treasure and keep safe. And when I found out you'd be a boy... My heart blew up, that's all I can describe it as. It exploded with reserves of love.

Before you were born, baby boy, I thought about you always, I counted down the days, annoyed your sisters by talking about the new baby boy so much that they got bored and wondered off to talk to your Auntie Cleo. But I didn't mind... Your sister's can be mean, but they still love me, and they'll still love you, even if they tease you as you grow older.

October 2008, I was waiting for you, I couldn't stop dreaming of you and I missed not having you there. And when you were born, my darling, I couldn't believe how much I loved you, and I still do, love.

Your mummy and daddy couldn't think of a name for you... I told them names of characters from my books, Twilight books, and you'll understand one day just how much I love these books, more than my own life. No name seemed good enough. They were going to call you Mason... Mason! Can you believe it? The books helped me see the name better, it was special... But not special enough, sweetheart.

When I first saw you, Auntie Cleo pushed me away and so it was just a glimpse I caught. It broke my heart, baby, not seeing you after waiting so long. But later that day your mummy, daddy and sisters came to a party for your auntie Cleo (you'll also learn just how picky and spoilt she is... unless she grows out of it... not likely...) and I held you for the first time. It was magic, Rhiley, you were so warm and small and sleepy, it felt so right to be holding you. Everything else in my sham of a life fell away and for a too-short moment my existence circled around you, little guy. I sang to you as well, the classics of course, most of the tracklist of Abba Gold, to be specific. And then I got you to feed... I was the first person to do that. I'm sure you (as a twenty-three-hour-old new born) didn't intend anything more than a tasty snack, but to me it felt like you were saying 'Hello, Auntie Cole, I can see you'd never give me anything nasty, and so bottoms and bottles up!'. It was like you'd accepted me. I smiled down at you and stuck my tongue out, and then, baby, a little pink tongue came out of your mouth as well. I could feel my love for you in my throat, it had swelled that much.

You fell asleep in your daddy's arms and we listened to your little snores. Oh yes, sweetheart, even then, you snored. But too soon you had to go home.

I went away that weekend with friends. My thoughts were wrapped around you, darling. I asked your grandma if you had a name yet... Rhiley, she said. And suddenly I had a name for the little thing I loved so much. You went to see some fireworks that night, Rhiley. You didn't like them, if I had been there I would have taken you far away from it and told you all about Twilight how one day maybe you could come with me to America, or visit me if I lived there by then. But I wasn't there, and I'm sorry baby, I'll never not be there for you again.

You're so tiny right now, darling. So small and pink and being forced to watch Hollyoaks with your daddy and listen to your sisters' screaming. But you're the most loved baby in the world, you always will be.

But soon, baby... You'll be a toddler. You'll be running around and kicking footballs with your daddy, and I'll be giving you cuddles all the time and buying you little treats and telling you how much I love you. And when your sisters fight I'll be the one to take you away from it and hold you tight until grandma or Cleo stop it. And when you fall over and hurt yourself I'll kiss it better.

When you go to school I'll cry on your first day. I'll be so proud of you. You are going to be coolest boy there, and by far the most handsome. And you'll be so clever, and you'll bring pictures home for your mummy and daddy and when you come to visit me, Cleo and your grandma you might bring us a picture too, and I'll buy the photoframe myself, and I'll hang it on the wall for everyone to see. And when they ask who drew it, I'll say My little Rhiley.

You're daddy will tease you about your first girlfriend, but I'll tell you how proud I am, even though no girl could be good enough for you, Rhiley. I'll even give you the sex talk if you want. And when you're a teenager and your hormones are driving you mad, I'll give you whatever you want and then leave you be, I'll make it as easy as possible for you Rhiley, I know it'll be difficult.

And when you are an adult... Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea how much happiness I see in the future with you there! You'll have a job that you will be good at, you'll have a steady girlfriend and if you get married... I'll sit on the front row and cry my heart out for you. I'll say an embarrassing speech at the after-party and you'll be annoyed until I remind you how much I love you, and then it was never intended as malice.

You'll have cousins from me by that point. They'll be kind to you. They'll be the kind of cousins that remember your birthdays and buy you things at Christmas, and you won't have to send us thank you letters because I know it feels like a waste of time.

When you have your first child I'll cry again, you'll make me cry so much, baby. But I won't mind, you'll be worth everything that I ever endure. You'll get me through the hard times without having to try, just because I love you. And if we ever argue, if you are ever angry with me, you'll know I love you, just because I've told you so many times over your life.

I'll let you shout, I'll let you swear and cry and tell the world to get screwed if that's what it comes to, and I'll listen to everything you have to say, if you want to tell me. And I'll let you drink coffee past your bedtime and stay awake with you when you are upset or scared. You can stay at my house sometime and we'll watch films and listen to music. That could be cool Rhiley, the world's your oyster.

But that's then... Right now you're so small and pink... And I'll see you tomorrow baby, and I'll hold you again and I'll talk to you, I might tell you about this. I'll tell you everything if time is on our side.

You'll not call me anything for now, but when you are one year old you'll start to called me Cole, maybe. Then it'll be Aunt Cole, then Acole, then Nicole.

But you'll always be Rhiley to me.

Lots of love, as always.

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Inside my mind

Joy. General Owen-ness has spread to my MySpace page, he keeps leaving messages.

God I wish he would leave me alone...

I wish I could tell him to, if not for my sake then for his, because I am under no circumstances going to return his love and also I know that the longer he keeps this up the more it's going to hurt him later, and the more I'll feel I have to stick around where I'd rather not.

That's my problem. I'm too ruled over by my conscience that I'm effectively crippled. If not that, I'm definitely sanctioned.

(and Valentina, I've just checked the forum... I want to talk to you about this but I'm having to appear offline all the time to avoid Owen)

Well... Emma, Anna and Tilda woke up this morning and were talking about me because they'd all heard me talking in my sleep, I pretended to be asleep and listened to them ramble on about it. Apparently I had said 'Stop it!' once and then said 'I can't breathe!' Hmmm... I can't remember what I was dreaming about exactly.

My mum phoned and so I had to pretend to wake up. I grumbled down the phone for a little while but I don't think I made sense (I rarely do first thing on a morning) and so I phoned her back a couple of minutes later claiming to be more coherent.

We all took turns getting washed and dressed and by the time I had got a bath and was dressed everyone was packed up and downstairs getting breakfast. We were annoyed that Anna's sister's friends had eaten and drank all our food and so Emma and Tilda went to the shop. After I while I went down to the cash point to withdraw some money for the America Fund.

Went back to the house and had some coffee before cleaning the kitchen. Anna's mum arrived and we finished cleaning the house (well, the parts of the house our group were in... Anna's sister's friends can clean the rest) before packing up and driving home...

I started trying to choose whether to read Twilight or Chocolat. I realised there really was no competition and read a couple of chapters of Twilight, I swapped and read a chapter of Chocolat to make up for it. Anna's mum said I'd get travel sickness if I tried to read whilst travelling but I said I wouldn't, of course now I was aware of the fact I started to feel sick and had to stop... I couldn't shake the sickness off because of the jolty indie music playing in the car. I turned my MP3 player on and was listening to Mostly Autumn when I tipped my head back and tried very hard not to think. Occasionally I would try to pick up Twilight and start reading again but I felt too sick. I gave up and closed my eyes again. Tilda picked up Twilight (fearless, that one...) and started to read, Anna was amazed that I'd let her touch the book at all.

It made me sad when I heard the pages turn as Tilda read, I didn't want the books to corrupt her mind too, I hoped they wouldn't affect her so badly.

I opened my eyes once and saw she had the cover bent around the back of the book as she read it, I winced and asked her to be careful, she saw the obvious pain on my face and I think my obsession with the books clicked into place in her head. We were in the car for a long time as we were stuck in traffic so Tilda had read a fair bit of the book by the time we pulled up outside my house. I let her borrow it. She was really understanding about it... Making sure I'd be ok without the book. I think this weekend has helped clear up some clouded areas of our knowledge of each other...

Tilda promised to try read the book fast and is also letting me borrow a Coldplay album.


Got home and collapsed on the sofa... I was instantly pissed off at my sister.

Made the gravy to go with dinner... It wasn't bad at all...

I unpacked my suitcase and got a shower, it was freezing when I got out and I crawled into bed to read New Moon for a while.

It took a lot of willpower to get out of bed and finish packing my school bag...

I remembered to put my money in the America Fund and it felt good to do it. I think this is a good thing, it feels right to be taking the America Fund seriously and so I guess America is the right way to go.

I'm lying on my bed (it feels great to be back in my room) typing away on my laptop now...

I hate this feeling though... It's felt great, natural even, to be away from school, and I don't want to go back there tomorrow and feel terrible all the time...



Though I guess I can daydream for a little while...

Ha, a little while... I'll be dreaming all day.

I can update Die Zeit then.

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

The Boy With No Name

I can't believe how much I love him.
Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Meet The Fockers.

Or there abouts.
I've already done a post on my friends (though it is sadly outdated) and so it's probably time you met my family...

This is Zebbie. He is my auntie's dog but he is the same age as me. He's like my animal twin. We all love him even though he's grumpy and getting very old (for a dog... I'd still consider myself fairly young).

My mum. She has a habit of been caught on camera with odd facial expressions.

My dad, he's awesome, I don't talk to him as much as I'd like to. I'm not particularly verbose and his general awesomeness is intimidating. Instead the conversations (few as they are) are through texts and notes left on the fridge.

My brother - Paul, my sister-in-law - Emma, and nieces Kelsi (oldest) and Eboni (youngest). Emma is due to give birth next week, but we are all on standby. She phoned Paul today and he thought she'd gone into labour. Turns out she only wanted his card details to buy Kelsi a ticket for High School Musical Three.

My sister, Cleo. This was when we went to Scarborough and it was quite foggy. We were walking in the lagoons and Cleo looked like she was walking on water.

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Thursday, 14 August 2008


I'm NOT going to Cornwall.

How amazingly shocked I am... Because I never saw that coming...

Bloody hell, I knew I wasn't going. I don't expect anything from this family.

Best way to avoid disappointment, never expect anything.

I'm not even bothered, what annoys me is my mum marching into the room saying she'll have to leave my dad like I don't care.

Because quite frankly I know where I'd be going...

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Berlin videos

Here they are at long last.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Part 26

Part 27

Part 28

Part 29

