Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Danger! Danger! High voltage!

Ahh! Amazing night. This is actually a terrible month to capture the boring-ness of my life because I've seen seven bands live this week. Most recently was Electric Six, you know, of 'Gay Bar' fame.

That one.

I'm suffering something FIERCE though because I was at sixth form this morning, work in the evening (bought Harry Potter 6 for £6.73 - the economic *wet noise* just got tastier) and then down at The Duchess for the rest of the night.

Anyhoodle, it's four minutes to midnight and I'm lying in bed with my fabulous signed set list from tonight stuck up on my wall looking lovely.

And tomorrow I promise I'll tell you about how me and my mum took the absolute piss out of my sister when she came in bullshitting and it backfired hugely. It's ace.

Which reminds me, I learnt to play poker today. I won £18 (fake money, sadly) and Simon's left foot before losing EVERYTHING.

But for now I'm tired and midnight it approaching... So I'll be back at a better-looking hour.