Thursday, 31 December 2009

I've got a feeling, if I sing this loud enough...

Is it me or did 2009 go REALLY fast?

Seems like maybe last month that I was singing along to Muse's Knights Of Cydonia as Big Ben went BONG (it actually does go BONG, have you seen the Twitter page?).

You'd think the year would have dragged on longer just because I spent most of it doing nothing but schoolwork. What have I done this year?

1. I finished school at last.

2. I started sixth form (oh noooes!!).

3. I turned 16.

4. I got a job.

5. I brain-damaged myself.

6. I kept all my New Year's Resolutions because I didn't really have any.

That's more or less all I did this year.

The Noughties was actually a totally shit decade for the UK because we had the Seven/Seven terrorist attacks, the economy slipped into the shitter, Robin Hood got cancelled on the BBC, High School Musical was unleashed and other terrible, inhumane things probably happened too.

According to The Daily Mail 2010 will be better which basically means the rest of us a fucked. I hate that newspaper.

My spidey-senses are telling me that tonight will be a night to forget, and my planner is telling me that I am not going to get all my homework done in time and that I'm going to fail my exams and get kicked out of sixth form, then I'll lose my job and then I'll be murdered.

Excellent year coming up.

But, I get spend it with people like Hooker, Mo-Balls, Lemon, Anner, Smelly, Buff, Lil AB and the Rugrats so it could actually be the stuff of awesome.

Happy New Year: eat, drink and be merry.