Tuesday 28 October 2008

The Boy With No Name

I can't believe how much I love him.
Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.

Saturday 25 October 2008

Meet The Fockers.

Or there abouts.
I've already done a post on my friends (though it is sadly outdated) and so it's probably time you met my family...

This is Zebbie. He is my auntie's dog but he is the same age as me. He's like my animal twin. We all love him even though he's grumpy and getting very old (for a dog... I'd still consider myself fairly young).

My mum. She has a habit of been caught on camera with odd facial expressions.

My dad, he's awesome, I don't talk to him as much as I'd like to. I'm not particularly verbose and his general awesomeness is intimidating. Instead the conversations (few as they are) are through texts and notes left on the fridge.

My brother - Paul, my sister-in-law - Emma, and nieces Kelsi (oldest) and Eboni (youngest). Emma is due to give birth next week, but we are all on standby. She phoned Paul today and he thought she'd gone into labour. Turns out she only wanted his card details to buy Kelsi a ticket for High School Musical Three.

My sister, Cleo. This was when we went to Scarborough and it was quite foggy. We were walking in the lagoons and Cleo looked like she was walking on water.

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.