Sunday 27 April 2014

Doodle doo.

I need to talk about my dog. I slipped a disc working at the comedy club and I can't get to my mum's house to see him, and I miss his floofy face.

Barney, Barney Bear, is a goldendoodle. He's a cross between a poodle and a golden retriever. The name goldendoodle is daft but it was either that or Poo Retriever, and he hasn't learned that trick (thank god).

When we went to look at puppies at a lovely lady's farmhouse, Barney was one of six gorgeous little fluffballs. Barney was the fluffiest, with the lightest fur. He was the first puppy I held and I was adamant that he was the one. He was also deceptively mellow, and when him and one of his brothers ate a poo off the ground whilst the breeder wasn't looking, I covered for him. He was my little comrade.

Me and Bear have an understanding. I get to sit, plait his fur and grumble and in return he gets an unending supply of treats. And braids.

He's mental. He's great with the kids and babies in the family. He has claimed sole ownership of my sister. He doesn't like potatoes but if you offer him one he'll act really happy about it then dispose of it when you aren't looking. He's a polite dog. He is also so fluffy he absorbs water, mud and smaller dogs like a sponge. And he does a world-class impression of Davy Jones when he's wet (will dig out a picture at some point).

And his fur smells of biscuits.

Je t'aime, little cookie dog!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

The next stage

I think that if there was any question about whether I'm in the right industry,  the past two days would have answered it.

I'm exhausted,  I ache, I spent yesterday on a construction site and today in a warehouse (full of literally thousands of bottles of Vimto...)  building stages and taking names.

It's a physically exhausting process. And one that is almost never seen in public. I feel like I should document it because it really is an incredible process, and a fantastic world to be a part of. After the event brief, after the design and after the manufacture comes the test build which is what I've been working on.

Yesterday I spent all day hauling 60kg steel stage decks around a building yard, making scaffold structures and and fitting the stage together way above my head. The work is so intense I could feel the pressure on the individual vetabrae of my spine, and later our after-uni pool game took far too long because no one could bend down.  I went over to my mum's house and dozed off with/on my dog before I'd even taken my hard hat off.

Today was similar.  We were in a huge, cavernous warehouse building a stage for Tiny Tempah's tour. When people see the stage in summer it will just look decorative,  but again, hundreds of work hours, many many tonnes of staging, many expletives expelled. One hour in, I trapped my thumb in some scaffolding,  later, I got a metal splinter down the side of my hand, slammed my knee into a solid hunk of metal, broke a nail and went over on my ankle. Not so much an occupational hazard as me just being hungry.

But I love it.  I love the hard work and the noise and the stress of working to a very immediate deadline all the time. I love the pre-show nerves, being able to perform in my own way for thousands of people without having to go onstage. I also love the banter that can only exist between people who have been working for 18 hours solid at 3am.

Also we learnt how to put a staircase together on live TV in under a minute. I'm not even joking!

Thursday 13 March 2014

The Niece Acquisition

Today was a funny old day.

13th of March,  the birthday of my newest niece, Evie. I've written about her older brother and sisters before so it's fair to write about Evie too.

Today I have spent 4 hours sat in traffic on the A64.

Today I learnt how to set up and operate scissors lifts and star traps (magical hydraulic lifts that make people appear up out of the stage).

Today I ate a shameful amount of Doritos.

Today I also realised that someone in the group really doesn't like me.  And that's just fine because he's annoying. 

Today is a good day because The Big Bang Theory was renewed for three more seasons.

And today Evie was born. And she's tiny, and snuggly, and already looks confused.

And in the morning I'm going round for cuddles and photos.

And that's what tomorrow is.

Will be there from your first day to my last, little noodle!

Saturday 1 March 2014


Busy busy busy!

Ish. The audio module is over! Sort of. I have 2 assignments to do but now at least I don't have to sit in classes with no understanding whatsoever.

Last week I got an email through asking me to create a CV and a video to accompany it. And like most people on my course I was a bit apprehensive about having a video of me begging for a job floating around on YouTube. However I have no problem presenting you all with the leftover footage.


The CV Blooper Reel

Friday 7 February 2014

What I've done

So Monday was just a day sat in the stadium full of admin and no heating whatsoever. Tuesday was an absolute disgrace. I was cautiously optimistic that I was actually absorbing the information and breaking down whatever barrier in my head was stopping me from really understanding audio, Tuesday was just one long horrible day. First we all drove out to the nearest shopping park to get lunch and the people who I went there with drove off and left me there, an hour's walk away from the stadium. Then when I got back it was straight back into audio physics and theory and it was all going fine until the tutor started talking about physical wavelength. I was struggling to get my head around it and everyone else was getting it and making calculations based on it and I couldn't understand how. Out of 80 people, when asked if everyone understood I was the only person who didn't. And I totally missed the next section on harmonics because I was trying not to cry.

I had a sort of dismal revelation at the same time. I really wanted someone to comfort me at the time. I was miserable with it, and I was sat in a room full of people I don't really know that well and I've lost contact with most of my school/college friends, the rest of which are distributed across the country at university somewhere. So I didn't get a hug and I realised I have to man up. Which is crap. I want a hug. I like hugs.

Two days have passed and really focussing, sitting right at the front and asking a question every five minutes and getting dirty looks and very loud huffing noises from the rest of my class has actually allowed me to understand the parts of audio I didn't understand a bit better. I have a tentative grasp on it. We'll see if it holds tomorrow when I have six hours of dynamics, effects and a lecture on microphones (?!) when it gets all complicated again.

I was grumbling to my step-dad about how much I'm struggling with this part of the course, and he's laid out the fact that I set myself ridiculously high standards to work to. In my first assignment I got 70% and was gutted. Turns out that's a First, and I still think that I could have done better. And I'm beating myself up because I don't fully understand what I'm being told about audio, something I have no interest in going into anyway. But I really need to know. It's £5995 a year to be there, it would be stupid (I think) to write off an entire subject.

I don't think I'm doing the university thing properly. I just don't have it in me to go out, go mental and walk around with a traffic cone on my head. I have assignments, I have deadlines. And I want to do well because that's pretty much what I do.

We'll see what tomorrow brings. I'm back at work for the first time in six weeks tomorrow night. I can't wait to get back to lighting bands again. Something that comes naturally!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Oh nooooo...

Hello. My name is Nicole and I am 20-and-three-quarters years old.

And I don't want to go to school (err... university) tomorrow.

I am a lighting person. Give me a stage and I will light it up beautifully. Or I will try to. But tomorrow is the first day of a 4-week module on audio. And I can't stand audio. Even though I've studied it for years, I dont get it. I can have it spoon fed to me and I still can't wrap my mind around it, and it frustrates me no end. I find the whole thing stressful and upsetting.  I had a bit of hope that this time round it would be easier because they're starting from scratch but I had a nine-hour class on audio mixing software last week and I had to sneak off for a cheeky cigarette afterwards, I was that aggravated. And that was just one day.

I'm already miserable with it. My books arrived for this module the other day and just scanning through, with everything all broken down and explained,  made no sense in my head.  It feels like usually my brain is a sponge for information and currently it just feels like a rock.

I haven't been this edgy about going to an educational establishment since the days of 12 word spelling tests.

B ig
E lephants
C an't
A lways
U se
S mall
E xits

Yeah I can spell.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Accio Butterbeer

I went for a wander (a 5-hour coach journey) down to London for an 'inspiration day' with uni and we ended up at the Harry Potter studio tour.  And it was fantastic!  Even as a backstage technical person seeing the scaffolding holding up the other side of the walls in the great hall didn't spoil anything for me.  There's a picture of me and Voldemort circulating Facebook somewhere.

I also tried Butterbeer.  That did ruin it for me. It was nasty stuff. My poor insides will never be the same.

And I got wondering.  The studio was used to film parts of Harry Potter and there are homes all around.  It's no big secret area and yet there were never people storming the gates. Then I realised it is just like the industrial estate where I go to uni. All kinds of mad stuff happens in the arena with all kinds of people and the people in the town/village next to the estate have no idea. A bunch of students come crawling out of the estate and down to the town on a lunchtime. Very sinister.

Saturday 11 January 2014


I was skulking around the nether and I found an old post I wrote on my other blog which I thought I had deleted.

This post is six years old but still as relevant as ever.

"To whom it may concern,

I will love you at some point. I will. And you’ll love me too. We’ll be happy.

I can’t wait to meet you.

I’ll love you.

Short but sweet.

Bless, 14-year-old me, you had a few rare moments of insight.

Then they took you away.

Happy new year!

I didn't bother posting a new year's resolution this year because last year's is still applicable. And also I spent new year sat in with college friends watching Mean Girls and freaking myself out with statements like "What if you're new year's resolution was to break your new year's resolution?"

Think about it. Trippy, no? Almost stoner talk, that.

I'm checking in to document a strange change I have noticed in the past few weeks. I don't really recognise myself anymore. I dress well, my makeup is done before I leave the house, my nails aren't chewed, my hair is pink, I'm addicted to Sherlock, I like a One Direction song (a mortal sin), I've taken up sketching and drawing everything, I go to the gym four times a week, I'm used to early mornings and I feel genuinely content and happy for the first time in nearly two years.

This is madness!

I don't recognise this girl. She seems okay, she's shiny new and not very sure of what the hell is happening.

Oh well.

University is the best thing that has every happened to me. People ask how the degree is going and I can only tell them with a big grin that I have never felt more like I'm in the right place and the right time then right now. And my timing is fairly awful. Only yesterday I found out that an assignment I thought was due in for next Tuesday isn't in till the middle of February. Relief! I have no idea what to do with myself now.

My current module is all about event design, and it gives me a lot of creative license. I haven't done much design since college and I really enjoyed it then so this is just peachy. The week after next we are going to Harry Potter World in London for an inspiration day before developing our own event concept. I'm equal parts excited to share my idea and apprehensive about sharing what I think is an absolute GOLDMINE of an idea. But then I would say that... ;-)

Also I get to ride a broomstick. What's not to love?