Sunday 13 March 2011


All my little programs at the bottom of the screen are in the wrong order. I AM SO CONFUSED.

Wargh! Ten days?! How did that happen?

.. I have been thinking of you. Little blog baby's readers. Whilst I sit here in my freezing little (council) house somewhere in Northern England, freezing my lady-balls off, I've been trying to come up with something vaguely interesting to blog about.

The result? Nil. Nix. Nada.

I just finished a three-day stint at one of the local venues. In the last three days I've lit twelve bands and have the scars to prove it. One hand has seized up because of an unfortunate incident with a can of baked beans and a faulty can opener and the other is cramping because of the lighting controls.

The first night? My hands were so cold I couldn't keep the buttons pressed down at the right times.

The second night? I found the solution:

Multicoloured woolly wrist warmers. Bliss.

The third night? The music was awesome, the coke was less watered down than usual, and my hands were toasty warm.



VEG said...

Sorry about your hand and its unfortunate incidents. I'm the queen of unfortunate incidents, me. And also the queen of baked beans, now you mention it. Especially the special Heinz Canadian version we have here - baked beans with a hint of maple syrup. Oh god yes. Eaten cold right out the tin. My mum flinches when I tell her this. She thought she raised a lady but seems not! Hope you warm up soon.

Nicole said...

Ahh, thank you. If you're the queen I'm the.. prime minister, possibly. Those beans sound awesome! Cold baked beans are a rare delicacy in my house!