Sunday 8 April 2012

A vodka-drenched thought.

(At least, I assume it's vodka..)

Usually look in the mirror and think, 'God, that's disgusting.' But it has just occurred to me that actually, I had fun getting this fat. Many a college canteen burger (oh-my-god-yes) went into this masterpiece.

I'm very glad my parents are more like insane awesome friends to me, because I have my dad to entertain me with alcohol and my mum to nurse the hangover that I Am So Not Looking Forward To.

I had some very crappy news today that made me feel really shitty (thank you, ex-boyfriend, my dear, for making me feel so small and making it pretty clear that I wasn't worth the effort, please stop saying you love me) (...I'll regret that tomorrow and/or the day he reads it..) but thanks to my dad and my mum and my big brother and my little sister and all my excellent friends and Mr Smirnoff I feel like I'll pull through it.

Bring it, hangover, this is the best I've felt in such a long time.