Friday 10 August 2012

My mind UNCUT

I'm having issues that are somehow way beyond my maturity level. Or more likely I'm just socially inept, but in any case I'm having ISSUES. I've spent days thinking and coming to the wrong conclusions and re-thinking and going round in circles in my head until it's become exhausting try and come up with a sensible solution to a fairly simple problem.

Dun dun duuuun... Boy trouble. I'm mortified.

So I figured I'd better just sit down with my laptop and tap out the thoughts as they come.


You are fantastic. Seriously. I am SO in like with you. The more time I spend around you, the more of YOU I see, and it’s really great. Men are weird! You’ve handled a shitty thing that knocked me on my ass for a year with barely any effort. How do you do that? How did I not do that? You’re a total sweetie, a bit of an ass, cute as a button and you make me look normal which always helps. I can’t imagine us together as a couple because we’re such good friends, and I’m a total goofball, doomed to the Havisham life if I’m lucky, but I still think I want it. Just a little. A lot. But it’s not an option, so what to do, sir? Not a whole lot to be done, is there? I’m going back to Norway in two weeks to stay with an ex-boyfriend I barely speak to anymore, a seriously ill-advised move, you’ve said as much. But DAMNIT MAN will you not tell me not to go for a reason I want to hear like “I like you sooooo much never go away, kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss” instead of “muhnyuuh”. That’s something *I* would say.

I really, really hope I haven’t already blown it. You’re golden, dude.

Also, your butt is pretty too.
  I needed to vent that. My usual ventees are various states of missing in action.   Ungh.