Wednesday 28 January 2015


I have read so many books. I know so many people in those books. It's impossible for me to feel like a stranger in a bookshop, which is a lovely warm feeling.

It probably sounds like something featured in the ramblings of a crazily lonely person, but when I see books I see people I know. I know their stories. I know their quirks and choices and their best and worst moments. I know that they order mu shu pork from the takeaway. I know they're allergic to pollen.

I can wander around the bookshop and know people everywhere. (Raging spoiler alert) Young adult fiction, Alec and Magnus are wandering around New York being ADORABLE. Epic fantasy, I don't care that you died Joffrey, you're still a dick. Mystery, hello Sookie Stackhouse, how are you? A quick detour back to young adult and NOOOOO TRIS, WHYYYYYY? And at that point I go to the café and mourn for half an hour over tea and cake before wandering down to look at the classics where Mr.  Darcy is still frolicking about in high boots.

I met someone at university that told me that he hasn't read a book in ten years, whilst looking at me like I was hilarious. And it just made me sad for him.

If you can't sink into a story, escape for a couple of hours and come back with new experiences every time, what's the point in anything?