Wednesday 13 January 2010

And I've seen all I'll ever need.


So I'm back.


I would've been here sooner but I've been very busy doing nothing. Seriously. I've done shit all, no school, no work, no anything, and the time has flown.

I'll summarise.

I did my film studies coursework, which involved making up a storyline and taking loads of photos showing the sequence of a film. Piece of piss, really. I nearly got shot at one point because my mum thought it would be funny to take me to Strensall Common where the snow was really picturesque and stuff but then the gunshots started and I turned around to run see a sign saying that it was a sniper range owned by Her Maj's army.

My sister is one scary bishe.

I cooked EPIC MEAL for my mum's birthday.

Stuffed peppers, garlic/lemon chicken pasta stuff (tasted better than it sounds) and then fruit crumble.

It was the shit.

Last week school was more or less dead because of the snow. I had an exam this morning, it sucked.

And now I'm just hating on humanity because I'm trying to drop sociology (exam on Friday - two 24 mark essays, 3 other questions IN AN HOUR) and every teacher who's mentioned it is telling me aaaaaaaaaaaallllllll about exam nerves and I'm all "OI!!! TEACHER!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" because it's not the exam I'm bothered about, it's the subject.


Fuck that shit.

I'd really love to be able to get it all sorted before I take the exam on Friday but if not I'll just carry on hating on humanity which is basically what sociology is about anyway.


r beezy said...

you'll be reet in sociology!
bardy is predicting me an A. :| oh dear.
i think that would require me to have actually started revising already...
whats your storyboard about for film?

Galinaros said...

There's something about English women and cold windows that really bothers me.

Nicole said...

Rachel: Didn't revise at all! *gulp*

My film's just my sister wondering into a forest and me chasing after her in my rapist coat. Fun times.

Galinaros: That's my sister, dude. (she bothers me too...) :P

Galinaros said...

So your film "storyboard" was more like a documentary... at least, that's what it appears to me after having lived with my siblings for this long.

And I can't help but wonder what your reply to my comment really means... I think it's the period that gives me that chill.