Monday 7 September 2009

Space, the final frontier...*

*I'm sure that guy was talking about packing suitcases.

I have no idea who that guy is, but I think I'll be doing something similar to that this week (the trapeze, not the guy).

I spent the whole of yesterday packing, realised I'd packed the clothes I was gonna wear today and had an all-out battle with the suitcase over the right to wear underwear on this trip. And then my brother showed up with a black eye and four dislocated fingers and like the good sister I am I gave him my bed and ended up sleeping on the cold, hard kitchen floor except I didn't sleep at all and when he went to work at 5am I crawled into bed and here I am, blogging.

The world is cruel.

Anyways, I'll be back on Saturday at the latest, probably with more extensive injuries than my brother, and I'll probably one or two tales of teenage mutant ninja hormone-fueled horror to tell.
