Friday 19 December 2008

STOP!!! Man Down! MAN DOWN!

Because the people I live with are not so much a family as an assembly of tragic fools, I got no sleep last night and went to school exceptionally pig-eyed. I staggered into my mum's room and told her that she needed to write me a note excusing me from PE because I'd had a chest infection and had been adviced not to take part, wink wink nod nod.

Shocked and appalled to feel how cold it was outside but was later amazed to discover that the buses now have TELEVISIONS on them, and so I was watching silent and boring TV programs on the way to school. Lovely.

I was practically clawing at my face as I stood waiting to go into registration. Time was so s-l-o-w.

Physics first... Work, muchos work. It was very boring...

Then Anna and Ashley dropped Le Bomb. They got me a Christmas card. Shocked, I opened the black envelope...

It had a Christmassy dominatrix on the front. I almost choked.

PE was eventful... I didn't play of course, but I watched the girls playing basketball. Everytime Anna or Tilda played I nearly had a stroke. I was preparing myself for the moment where one of them would fall to the floor and I'd have to tear onto the court screaming 'STOP! STOP THE GAME! MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN! CALL THE MORGUE!'. Luckily the moment never came though Anna got into a little confrontation with Ellie Radford over who caught the ball first. The whole time I was muttering 'don't do it Anna. Do NOT get into a fight with Ellie, not if you value your life.' Izzie told me off for not having more faith in them, but how can I help it? Ellie is brutal.

English... Spent the whole time eating chocolate with Bena and willing myself not to do one of the following things...

1. Cry.

2. Claw my face off in impatience for the day to end.

3. Burst out laughing when Juliet has that little crying attack after Romeo dies.

Well, I managed not to do 1 or 2, but 3 was a lost cause.

I went hunting down exam papers after the lesson but couldn't find any so I went back to form and with me I brought crackers.

To sum up: Snap-bang-crack, Tilda and x's cracker, bad jokes, hats and a spuckload of stickers.

Got home and had a argument with mum over whether nativity plays are boring or not.

They SO are.