Tuesday 2 December 2008

End of an era.

I have decided that the days of 'Sie Erfasst Mein Herz' are over.

Fear/rejoice not! I don't mean I'm going to give up blogging and actually have a life, I merely mean I'm going to stop signing off with Sie Erfasst Mein Herz as I have done for the last year and a half (give or take a few months) and start using my real name.

It just seems more practical as most people know I'm called Nicole anyway and the Sie Erfasst Mein Herz guise was originally all about that fact that I actually cared if people knew who I was or not.

Not that I haven't enjoyed the air of [failed] mystery is presents, but it's so much easier to recount stories if I can just say my name.

And so I'll see you out there.
