Tuesday 9 June 2009

In which I learn that telling birds to 'chill' doesn't work.

Today something happened.

Yes. Believe me in that today, SOMETHING did happen.

Something PROFOUND.

Something AMAZING.

Something that had enough of an impact for me to shout "Oh for fuck's sake!" well within the hearing range of my elderly neighbours.

I was about to leave the house in a tearing dash because I was late for an appointment at the hospital which is on the other side of York when I heard something... strange...

Something that sounded uncannily like a bird flapping its wings. In my house.

Queue: "Oh for fuck's sake!"

I figured nobody would believe me unless I caught footage of the thing so whapped (love that word... Don't think it's a real one) out my camera.

Et voila.

"Chill... stay still. Chill, chill, CHILL."

I tried to be reasonable. I really did. But it just wouldn't listen to my pleas.

In short: Pidgeons suck. Pidgeons really suck.