Friday 26 June 2009

Moral of the story: Don't fuck with me or I'LL WRITE SHIT ABOUT YOU, BITCH.

There has never been a point in time where I have been technology's bitch. Ne-verr. This may be because up until the age of 12 I talked to computers. You know, just in case they could hear me (IT COULD HAPPEN).

I stayed up late on my 11th birthday too to see if Hagrid or Dumbledore or even fucking Harry Potter would come along and tell me I was a witch or a goblin or something.

This is actually true.

But that's beside the point. I was an... imaginative child.

Anywho, for whatever reason, computers love me, and I love them... mostly.

I have this one computer which I got for my 12th birthday (I rock a laptop these days) and it's now home to every "The Sims" PC game that was ever released.

Every. Single. One.

I have a lot of time on my hands.

And I happen to be in love with The Sims.

Except I can never play it properly because my computer is s-l-o-w. And now The Sims 3 has been released (don't judge me. No, seriously, stop it) I'm in a pissing crisis, yo.

Something HAD to be done.

(NOTE: I've been saying that for four years.)

So after suffering a mini-meltdown over compatible parts and other technical gumph witnessed by my BFF Main Gay.5 who is just an absolute computer bastard because he knows everything, I headed down to the local suppliers.

Enter "Man", formally known as Computer Jackass.

He was the kind of guy who thought he was better than everyone else because he had a shiny badge on his shirt and SO WHAT, HUH? SO DO I! SEE? IT SAYS BON JOVI ON IT AND EVERYTHING.

He slimed up to me, actually ADJUSTED HIS FUCKING BADGE and asked if I was lost.

"Erm... yes. I'm looking for a RAM memory board, 1GB, DDR?"

He takes me to a stand I must have missed.

"I'm afraid we don't have any of those."

"Is this not it?" I ask, picking out exactly what I needed.

"Umm, yes. That's £49.99." He tells me.


"Why?" I toe the edge of a spaz attack. "It was £35 on the website."

"Well yes..." He says like it was blindingly obvious. "But that doesn't cover installation."

"I can install it myself, can I have it cheaper?"

"Are you sure you know what you are talking about? Because we don't do refunds."

I'm slowly seeing redder and redder.

"Good, because you won't be seeing me again." I snapped.

And then he gave me the look. The look like I'd kicked him in the balls the week previously.


He huffs and says "I'll take you to the till." And storms off. A victory dance would have totally appropriate right then.

I owned that bitch.

And better yet, my computer runs smoother than a baby's butt.

You better believe that babies' butts can run. My sister's did it once, it landed on my foot.


Nicole said...

Ah thank you, I'm very proud. :P

Jassie said...

Way to stick it to him! :)

I did that exact same thing on my 11th, sadly none of them came.

Nicole said...

Phew! I thought I was just weird for doing that... Or maybe I still am? Who knows? =)

Anna said...

Very soon, my love, you will not be ale to go in any of the shops in York for fear of bumping into some of these staff members...
In fact, whenever we go out i shall think of some reason to bb along to Stationary Box and HMV.

Nicole said...

Stationary Box? It was Staples my dear ;) (the good people of Stationary Box have little to fear from me... yet.)

Well then D.L Denny I'm afraid I'll have to just EXPOSE you for being a passive HMV thief. I can see it now... Browsing The Smiths (just a band) and Blackadder boxsets... *someone* very loudly saying "Would you DARE steal from HMV? I mean, who'd do that?" and then all the awesome-haired people will dive on you and I'll walk away, possibly taking a Robin Hood boxset with me, because he's all about stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.

Suck on THAT.

P.S. How's the baby coming along? Can I be your widwife? I'll warm my hands up I promise!

Anna said...

Meh, Staples, Stationary box, they both start with an 'S'...
what's the difference?

My God, we really are angry about that aren't we? Well fear not, I have had no contact (in person) with the little thief since Beverly, as he may or may not have told me to kiss off (those exact words), so i am now epically sulking but he likely doesn't know this since we haven't seen each other.

The baby is progressing nicely.
I bet you only want to be my midwife so you can witness me losing the linearity of my stomache, which i have pretty much already done by eating far too many Lindt Bunnies.
Sob Sob

Nicole said...

My darling, there is only one better way to lose such epic linearity and that is via Millie's Cookies, which I happened to eat exactly 24 of today. Followed by two muffins. And four bottles of milkshake. And two bottles of coke. And a portion of fries.

Can you believe I'm trying to lose weight?

Anna said...

Maybe reverse pschology should be the new way forward in dieting?
i.e. if i eat more my body will think that 'oh my god, she's gonna want to take me to the gym later to burn off all this stuff', and therefore be very nice for once and somehow miraculously lose weight on its own.
There's always hope.

Nicole said...

Genius! I'll strike the fear of exercise into my very core.

We should so go into business, I think the name 'Fat Fighters' has already been taken, but I'm sure Treadmill Terminators is still available. Excellent work Denny! ;)

Anna said...

Ah, Terminator. I so should have made you lot watch that. As a cleanser from all the romance films.

It does seem that we have quite a life ahead of us, what with all the brilliant business partnerships we have planned...

Nicole said...

And don't forget my plans to be a black rapper. You'll be my homie on the mean streets of Frisco, dude.

Anna said...

My love, I say this in the most loving way...Hell will freeze over and there will be snow on christmas day before I set foot in America.
However, as the late Michael Jackson proved, anything is possible skin colour wise, so only half that dream is dashed.

Nicole said...

Well then my darling, there will be a time in our lives when we only see each other through webcam and when I get sent back to merry old England by immigration for camping on top of the Seattle Space Needle for the third week running.

I give it three months before I'm back here being bored and cold.

Anna said...

Ah, but you see, the chances of something exciting happenning in England are far higher than in America, as the population density per square mile is higher (yes, I was bored enough to read an atlas), so although you may find yourself back in England being cold, you will be less bored.

Nicole said...

You're telling me... I was walking through Walmgate this morning (bought and finished the last Georgia Nicolson book... it's awesome) and these two people were fighting, and by the time I'd reached the balcony to watch there were like... 15 people all throwing fists. It was AWESOME.

Anna said...

My God. I wet all the way to leeds to get that book (well...not really, i planned to get it while i was having my hair cut (and getting a head massage...mmm dreamy)) and Borders failed to pamper to my needs. HMV failed on that front as well, as i attempted to buy copious numbers of CDs which they failed to have.
Leeds sucks.

Nicole said...

Hasn't Leeds been nuked yet?

Also if you went to Waterstones (York) you'd get it half price (£5.49) and got a free book called Pants For The Memories with it.

York rules. Kinda.

Jamie Lovely said...

Ugh I hate when people just assume we can't do something. Way to show him!

Nicole said...

Drives me crazy! It felt so goooood sticking it to him.