Monday 24 November 2008

Ok, I give up.

See that the description thingy remains unchanged because I cannot be arsed to do anything anymore.

(This is a side-effect of the pills... I know this, but there's nothing I can do so I'm riding it out)

Here are several reasons why my life sucks in the extreme:

- I'm stuck in bed with no signs of ever leaving it again.
- I've missed one exam already, I also have fuckloads of mock exams next week.
- I appear to have forgotten how to use sarcasm.
- I am very angsty and need to go to an angsty home.
- I take everything too seriously. There is not a way in this world or the next that I could be only fifteen.
- My life is boring and ruled over by school, a place I don't really want to be anymore.
- I can't afford to go to America and even though I have my gorgeous little America Fund, there is no way I'll have enough money until atleast 2020.
- I'm failing miserably at school. I need a B in biology to take it for A Level and so far I have two Cs, when I went to resit the exam I was ill and now I've missed stupid amounts of lessons because, you guessed it, I'm ill.
- I'm ill.
- Everyone is miserable at school.
- I'm so tired but I can't sleep anymore today.
- My nose is all squashed because I fell asleep on my face again.


And now, a few reasons why my life is fantastic:

- Twilight comes out as a movie in less than a month.
- New Moon is going to be made into a movie.
- I'll have enough money to do the Christmas shopping soon (I'm weird... I get more of a kick out of buying things for other people than I do for myself)
- I'm only on the pills for three more days before I can enter reality again.
- I have a history test tomorrow but I won't be sitting it.
- I'm listening to a song called 'Twilight Sun' which is a very very good song.
- My Twilight shirt and hat will arrive soon and I can go around being the unofficial Twilight street-team whilst Anna commits me to an asylum.
- Only six more months of school before I can leave FOREVER (And then come back to go to the sixth form... should I get in, which seems more unlikely by the minute.)
- I read Twilight for the umpteenth time today and I still get a kick out of reading it.
- I could probably try to sleep now.


Hmm... I sound ever so slightly obsessed now...

But hey, it's not the first time Twilight has given me something to live for.

(See September this year)

(Actually, don't. I don't think I wrote it down because I was on such a huge downer all month)

(Hmm... Lemme check)

Aha, found it.

'Walking down the stone steps into the cellar I kept thinking, ‘what if I just let my legs go now?’ and I realised that I didn’t want to think about that predicament... I needed to read my book first.

There’s something highly pathetic... If not downright unhealthy... about the fact I was letting my care for life hang in the balance of a book.'


Unhealthy, that's it, right there.

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.