Tuesday 25 November 2008

My Friends: Actually.

I just recalled my purpose here:

To tell the world of my friends and their incredible similarity to characters from Love Actually.

Indeed... Let me introduce you...

Me: Colin Frissell

Key quotes:

'I am Colin Frissell, god of sex. I'm just on the wrong continent, that's all.'
'I am! I'm going to America!'
'Hello, my future wife.'

Tilda: Juliet

Key quotes:

'Banoffee pie?'
'All I want is a video of me in a dress that isn't turquoise.'
'Oh, bingo! Well done you!'

Matt: This guy (forgotten his name) *

[Either that or THE WORST DJ IN THE WORLD]

Key quotes:

'I do admit, the prostitutes were a mistake.'
'No surprises.'
'Erm, excuse me! Those aren't funny! They're actually art.'

Anna: Sarah

Key quotes:

'I've done fuck all and I never will because he is too good for me.'
'Do you think KARL knows that?!'
'Well I'm not sure if it'll be possible to get hold of the pope tonight... well I'm sure he's very good at exorcisms b-... Yes well I'm sure Bon Jovi is too.'

Emma: Carol (Carol had only a small part in the film so I couldn't find a picture)

Key quotes:

'Nooo! That's cool!'
'I'll make SURE we do.'
'Ahh sorry!'

[I've fallen short here... But It's difficult to put Emma into context with someone with so few lines... It's more to do with the fact that Carol is obviously funny and sweet and kind.]


Anna agrees with me that I'm Colin Frissell's female equivalent, this is the ultimate sign of correctness: Anna Approved.

Sie Erfasst Mein Herz.