Tuesday 27 April 2010

Random shiz that happened today and yesterday.

Now, there's a title to leave you guessing.

First up, my question was on Ask The Bloggess as one of the Most Unanswerable Questions In The Fucking World which I think means I win at life. Or maybe the other way around. (Don't be silly. No one lifes at win. Unless you're in Soviet Russia. In Soviet Russia, life wins you.)

Secondly, I've forgotten so it can't have been important.

Thirdly, today I fell arse-over-teakettle down some stairs. Luckily I was already at the hospital, but it still knocked me for one. I've been slaughtering myself on Wii Fit for hours every night and now my legs are like jelly. They decided they were going to give me up for dead and nearly knocked me out. Assuming I ever walk again I'm going back to the hospital to suggest some sort of leaver-and-pulley system so I can just sit down and go zooming up three floors instead of falling down one on my arse.

That's more of less it for now. Rach is visiting in a couple of days so I should have some more to write about soon.