Tuesday 23 February 2010

This makes me look like Jesus.

Zut alors...

I'm a bit of a martyr, you know that, right?

My lovely husband (political marriage, don't ask) came to me in a state of near despair last night.

EVIL COMPANY* had sent him the wrong DVD.

The poor love had been looking to enrich his mind** with Ray Mears' Northern Wilderness and instead received 'Allo 'Allo Series Three***.

After the initial argument over which was better I said I'd phone the next day and get it all sorted out for him because I'm awesome like that and also because getting to phone a company and say "I'm calling on behalf of my husband" aged 16 seems kinda thrilling in comparison with my somewhat mundane life.

It took me a solid hour to find the contact details for this company. They're not a small company either. UK and Europe-wide.

Today I phoned up foolishly expecting a person to answer the phone but instead got one of those automated receivers who talk in a really soft voice like in a 1960's porn film. It gave me a list of things to do, but in the end said 'for all other enquiries, please hold'. What could this mean?

People people! Talky talky!

Within two minutes I was put on hold again.

And then again.

And then finally when they tried to put me on hold again I yelled "NO DON'T PUT ME ON HO-" and then Yellow Submarine started playing.

I suffered for this.

Eventually it all got sorted out, and it was an unexpected confidence booster because half of my job is customer services in store.

I pretty much deserve Hubs' soul for this.


* Not calling names. I doubt that it happens often of else they'd be easier to bloody contact.
** Hahahahaha...
*** Which, personally, I think rocks.


Jassie said...

I hate being out on hold. Though it's awesome when you get like batman theme music.


Nicole said...

Jassie: Batman?! That totally makes going on hold worthwhile. :)

Dude: Roger that.