Thursday 7 May 2009

Penultimate peril

It's amazing how much you get to rock your autograph in the last few days of school. I've signed forms, photos, leavers' books, notes I've been passing... The works.

Most of the people in my year group of 200+ are going to college or another school's sixth form, so there's always something to sign. Luckily I'm a cripplingly shy, peevishly annoying nerdy wanker rather reserved person and so I haven't had to sign too much, though I do have the most amazing signature ever.

Phwoar. I love it.

Just thought I'd say, because I'm like that.


Today I was feeling wildly emotional. It was actually pretty alarming. I think I bitch slapped my BFF Main Gay.5 at least twice.

On second thoughts he probably deserved it.

Anyway. At any given point I'd feel like I was going to burst into tears because the lovely Lemon is leaving the terrifying institution that is known as Fulford School forever and oh God WHY?!

Lemon is one of my best buddies and all-round good Lemon. Seriously, when life gives you Lemons, make sure you're aquainted with this one. She's divine, and she has a heart of gold behind those magnificent tits.

When I went to English we were doing some last-minute work on creative writing and Ms B asked us to do a paragraph on someone interesting who has affected us in someway and-

You can see where this is going can't you?

I'll cut to the chase. I wrote about Emma. Or I planned to. For most of the 15 minutes we were given listened things that I could have written about, like her complex for THE purple scarf, her infectious cheerfulness, her patience when I have one of my funny turns and can't stop gawping at her chest, her sharp sense of humour, amazing dress sense, lack of sanity... Too much to say, to little time.

So with thirty seconds to go I scrawled out three sentences.

Prepare to be blown away (not).

"When you meet someone so fantstic, someone so happy that you can't help but question their sanity, you don't think about the end of it. You don't think about the day that you stop running into them in the corridors, when you stop meeting them before school and laughing with them throughout the day. It's something you just don't think about.

When the time comes, you realise why this was. You're terrified. You're scared of the difference and you start to realise that you haven't even scratched the surface, you can't even comprehend how much you need them just to function properly. You can't bear to imagine how hard it could have been."

Feeling sentimental, much?

Tomorrow's my last day at Fulford School. Then everything changes. I suppose I should feel excited, but really I'm just dreading it. I suck at change.


so here we have it. Today's photos, Lemon Edition.

1. Me and Lemon, Smart-Is-Sexy-style.

2. Pretend she's pointing at the scarf. Oh, and what a lovely scarf it is!!!

3. Not her best look, but that was one hell of a sandwich I assure you.