Friday 8 May 2009

We don't need no education.

"No more school for us, so you can knackers!"

This is kind of rocking my world right about now.

No more school.

None. Nichts. Nil. Noot. Nofink. Boom, dead, gone.


Now what? I just go back for a coupl'o'hundred exams or so and then it's a straight shot through to September.

And it's bloody May.

I feel powerful.

Today was amazing and crap on so many levels... Parties every lesson. Hours of signing t-shirts and books and taking photos. It's typical that the best day of school should be the last day there. But then there was the obvious 'OH GOD LEMON PLEASE DON'T GO' factor which was just a massive spoiler that caused me to cry something ridiculous like seven times.

But at least my camera got an extensive workout. I haven't taken that many photos since Berlin, and back then I documented THE WHOLE THING.

Speaking of which, the Berlin trip was almost a year ago now.

Anyways, I digress.

Highlights of the day include my English lesson-of-sorts, where we all received awards. My award was 'person whom I [Ms B] would like to get a pint with once 18', so Ms B owes me a beer.


(I was flattered.)

The English Class (I'm on the floor... surprise surprise...)

Fulford School: We work on a 'blink and you'll miss it' basis over here. (This is Evan and Ashley)

Half-Joe, Alex and Josh. Josh remains the single most un-photogenic person I have had the joy of knowing.

I also filmed most of the final assembly which Gatenby and Bodey have been planning for months, but I won't inflict that upon you. It's too cool.

I cried like a baby at the end. The whole thing was awesome, it was over too soon. I was throwing myself at everyone. I don't think I've ever hugged so many teachers/students/strangers/chairs before.

I have a theory that I become all kinds of easy when I'm miserable. At lunchtime I was so delirious I let (redacted) sign my boobs.

Score one for the home team.


I decided halfway through the assembly that Gatenby should become a comedian of some sort. It'd be an awesome career choice. He used to be a baker, and that's a million miles away from teacher-dom so anything could happen.

Three degrees of separation: Baker (Master baker), Teacher (Maths debater), Comedian (BOO-YAH!).

I rest my case.