Saturday 21 November 2009

The hand of frog is collecting your items.

I have never laughed so hard at a newspaper as I did this morning:


God bless Thierry Henry and all who sail in him. (Though, seriously... It's FOOTball, not HANDball, son.) In case you missed it there's been a big controversy with Thierry Henry (Ex-Arsenal[YEAH!], now playing for Argentina) hitting a ball with his hand when playing against the Irish in football. D'oh.

There's lots going on in he blogging world at the moment, isn't there? Crissy's Big Pussy introduced us to a mouse that looked like it'd seen the inside of hell, Andy started dating a (lovely) French guy, Jay's beard is preparing to undergo a FIERCE transformation (Mutton chops? Please?) and Jassie graduated.

Phwoar. Busy busy busy.

Me? I've been working.

This is actually very cunning timing on my part. I chose my hours based upon when I was most likely to go apeshit with my mum's money and go see New Moon a million times like I did with Twilight, and so when everyone else was out watching awesome hair being all emo-ish, I was picking tickets at Argos.

Sounds thrilling, no? No sarcasm: it actually WAS awesome. I have my own locker and badge and shirt and ID and everything.

I spent last time learning the layout of the warehouse and scaling the dizzy heights to get top shelf items (I instantly hate orders that require me to go to the top shelf at any time - it's 15ft high) and generally had a great time just doing stuff. This morning I went in and worked on collection, which is amazing because when 30-part orders come through we all congregate, get tickets and then bolt in different directions. Awesome.

The best moment had to be last night when we were tidying up the stockroom, and I was putting away ladders. One was huge and didn't have a second set of wheels so I went to let it stand, it fell, I tried to grab it, got dragged down and landed with THE LOUDEST CRASH I've ever caused:

Me: Shi-ouch... Erm. WHUPS!

Person: *across the storeroom* You okay?!

Me: Yeah... Where do I put the big ladders?

Person: Just on the floor will do.

Me: Ahh ok. That's where it landed.

Person: Umm... where are you?

Me: Under it.

Excellent moment in my own personal history, truly.

I'm working again tomorrow, which is great because you get paid half again on Sundays, and then me and Lemon are going to see New Moon, because Lemon is my amazing Twilight buddy who doesn't do anything dickish whilst the film's running, unlike SOME people. *cough, cough*BFF Main Gay.5*cough*

Sadly - or not - I haven't had chance to do any homework this weekend, but hey, at least I'm not bored.