Wednesday 11 November 2009

I'm thirsty.

Sometimes on a Wednesday we all have to cram into the common room (it was built for about 70, not 300) and sit through being lectured about litter or behaviour or grade targets. Today we went one better - ALCOHOL AWARENESS.

Within about five minutes I was able to say that no one was more aware than me that I was sober.

I won't go into it, but highlights included THE ULTIMATE HANGOVER CURE (turns out it was just time - cop out), Connor (awesome and raging drinker) passing out with a resounding slap on the floor, and making fake wine out of red food colouring and water (I know your game, lady, and I don't like it...).

I went to psychology feeling somewhat thirsty. And hungry. After the lesson I took off to Big Bite which is just THE place to be if you want awesome meat-based food (I lasted less than a week in that place before I stopped being a vegetarian), and on the way back I was a-happily munching on my sandwich when suddenly a big brown splodge appeared on my jacket.

No. Way.

After years, years of tormenting and/or dodging seagulls I had finally been singled out and poops away...!

I spent the rest of the day with my jacket doubled over to hide the big poo stain and trying not to breathe through my nose.

That bird's feathery little butt is mine.


r beezy said...

glad i missed out on form period today then :)
and, oh no! as if you got shat on by a bird. the bastard. big bite is totally worth it though.

Nicole said...

The bird nearly hit my sandwich as well... That's when it got personal. =P