Monday 5 January 2009

All work, no play.

Yes. I'm a very dull boy.

Or girl.

Or whatever.

School was absolute MURDER. I'm dying inside right now. Everyone has come back Twilight-obsessed and it bugs me. Why? Because Twilight is mine.

And also because they haven't even read the books, they just saw the film and went 'ZOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! BITE ME RPATTZ!' and now they all want life-size cardboard cutouts of Edward Cullen for their birthday. (Ok, this is just Emma, but whatever)

Oh, and the evil Perez Hilton said that they are making Twilight perfume.

I've said it before and I've said it again.

Bite me.

Ugh! It's so generic and commercial! Why do the media take it too far every time?!!!


Anyway. Twilight child brides aside, school was miles better than I thought it would be. Teachers didn't kill me, science wasn't too boring, exams were sorted easily enough, we didn't perform in drama, I understood the maths work. That was all fine.

But my drama teacher died.

Yeah. That's right.

I don't mean to sound cold-hearted, it's just that the internet is cold and emotionless. I'm actually really sad about this, he was a genuinely great person who cared a lot about his students and wanted us to do well. I also discovered today that he was secretly gay too. The guy is a martyr.

I'm debating whether or not to go to the memorial service on Thursday. I'm still undecided.

When I got home I had to do two exams. My head was threatening to explode but it's all good now (as in, I gave up on the second one, so I'll just say I got writer's block).

Sorry this post is a little boring... I had a grand total of four hours sleep last night and I've been working for thirteen hours straight since.

You see, I had one of my two-in-the-morning epiphanies again...

I fell asleep, and then I woke up feeling wide awake and thought my alarm must be going off soon... I waited... and I waited... I looked at the clock... Two o'clock in the morning.


Whilst lying awake in bed until five o'clock, I contemplated the meaning of life and came up with two irrelevent answers:

1. I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Oprah. I don't even know who they are, but I love them.

2. My body clock went on an extended trip to America without me knowing.

Don't worry about these boring posts... I have plans for much more interesting things...

Coming soon.