Monday 26 January 2009


I've just counted up the weeks left before I break up from school officially and nearly passed out.

How many? A miniscule total of ten.


This in turn opened up a floodgate in my head and I'm now drowning in worries that hadn't even occured me me before.

What if I fail my GCSEs?

What if I don't make it into sixth form?

What if I'm ill again?

What will the Urban Family do now?

If I get into sixth form, will school still be 'school' or will it become 'college'?

Will the work be too hard?

What if I don't get in?

What if the teachers are crap?

What if I lose touch with people?

What id I don't like what I study?

Will Hayley Bell kill me?


Ugh. Give me strength.