Thursday 1 January 2009

Welcome to 2009.


Well, just to be different, I entered 2009 singing along to Knights Of Cydonia by Muse (it was on the radio... I was so happy) and then watched an Elton John concert on TV.


Oh, I also drank more than my mother, which is a new one.

But I can hold my drink surprisingly well for someone who rarely drinks at all, look, no typos as of yet.

To entertain the kids we had a shoe-flinging contest which I won hands down. It's great way to get back at any pair of shoes that have ever giving you sore feet - fling them as far down the street as you can and then bristle with satisfaction at the noise it makes as it crashes to the floor.

Take that, poxy shoe.


As 2009 is a new decade (or something), it is the time for CHANGE on this blog, all of my New Year's Resolutions are going to be about here.

1. I will have no more melodramatic 'he loves me, he loves me not' blogging like I had from August 2007 to November 2008, because it's boring and embarrassing given my current relationship status. Instead I shall focus on writing interesting-ish things like anything I've written between November 2008 and now.

2. I will find a decent colour scheme and stick to it.

3. I will go out and do things and make things interesting to write about, and if not I'll think of something creative to write and not drone on and on about my favourite scapegoat - TheCosmicBloggingWall.

4. I'll make my posts more interesting-looking.

5. I will do at least one podcast a month.

