Saturday 17 January 2009

It's all about us.

I have this fantastic RE teacher called Mr Molyneux (say molly-new). He's awesome. He conducts lessons through a series of utterly irrelevent anecdotes and is about as submissive with teaching as I am - meaning he will NEVER teacher people the way he's been told to (just as I'll never do as I'm told without a second thought, I contradict EVERYTHING). He actually told us to scribble out the 'Religious education' part on the front our books and write 'Life studies' because it sounded prettier. He also told us about the different chemicals in cigarettes whilst smoking out of a window. I love this man.

To quote my friend Evan 'I love this lesson... It's like lessons in life with uncle Molyneux...'

This week we were talking about inclusion and detention and crappy teachers (the odd thing was that we were actually learning about human nature) and he told us all that we as students were the most important people in the school, that we didn't have to be there and we should shout out and demand respect where we don't get it.

I really like this idea.

So next time the Taylor-woman banishes me to inclusion for breathing or the snooty cow at reception snaps at me for being late or ill I'll just take a deep breath, stand tall and stare them down. Then when they are cowering at my obvious awesomeness I'll remind them...

'Excuse me, but I think you'll find that I'm rather important around these parts.'


And so if you are at work/school/home and someone fails to appreciate your genuine one-ness, just bear in mind that, in fact, you are extremely important. You are you. And only you can be you. Let them try being you for a day, they'd suck at it.