Tuesday 8 June 2010

Good question. Bad question. Let's face it. All exams are are bad questions.

So I have an exam in two days that I can't find the motivation to to any work for. I tried for three hours earlier, and as a result I reverted back to my still-in-school self: Grim, morbid, angry, breath-y (seriously, I physically can't breath when I try do this 'school' thing) and generally just RARRRRR.

And who can blame me really? Look at the evidence. (Yeah, I totally planned this post whilst pretending to read a textbook)

There is no escaping the obvious in this exam.

I haven't been in school for.. oh.. four months and I've missed E V E R Y T H I N G, so I really don't know what the exam is about.

And.. judging by my epic newfound lack of ability to absorb information and write neatly, here's another question that I can't answer:

So, I guess the moral here is that I'm gonna be here tomorrow whilst I try to pass this exam with no prior knowledge whatsoever.

Bon chance, Nicole.