Friday 4 June 2010

I have nothing to say other than "Wake me up, before you go, go.."

I'm doing short, sweet posts because otherwise I'll burn out by next week.

So you know yesterday when someone asked for my number after they asked if I (on behalf of the store, I guess) had any jobs and I looked down at myself and said 'Uh, no, not on me.' like an idiot?

Of course you do.

Well, this morning he drove past me whilst I was walking to work and shouted/sang "WAKE ME UP, BEFORE YOU GO GO!" as he went flying past.

It was ferking awesome.

I also dropped into ASDA (literally Brit equivalent of Wal Mart) to beg for a job whilst wearing my work uniform and dying of sun-ness. It was surprisingly easy. One of my managers even helped me with the application form.

So here's a round up of the month so far:

1. Got many piercings.
2. Became irresistable babe overnight..
3. Applied for a second job.

Four days into the month.. Not bad, really.