Tuesday 1 June 2010

No, no. NOW you're sorry.

I'm gonna attempt NaBloPoMo again this month.

No, please... Don't cry...


The theme is 'now', so..

This month is going off with a BANG, or at least an OWW, because I'm dishing out a whole new kind of payback.

You see, I'm über pissed at my mum for getting off-her-tits drunk whilst I was in one of my black moods and Cleo was there (she gets stressed, she doesn't like not having someone in a solid frame of mind around), and then just being insanely annoying for all of it.


I'm exacting my revenge.

Tomorrow I'm going to get a fuckload of piercings.

I could not tell you where, or how many, or how much it'll cost, or if I'll chicken out (I have no piercings)..

But tomorrow, I will come home (and then go to work - woe is me -) with more holes then I went out with.


Suck on THAT.


Jassie said...

Hmm. Good luck...and good luck, I guess.

Don't go for painful piercings. Man, that was a bad idea. xD

Nicole said...

Hehe, thanks. :D

And too late. I've never shouted out that many expletives in public. =P