Thursday 3 June 2010

Strange/awesome things that happened at work today:*

*Full of mystery, I know.

Mo-Balls's awesome mum took us to the retail park I work in, bought me an amazing frappacino AND was totally understanding when I had to bolt off to work three minutes before I was due to start, all before I started work. Ah-may-zing.
A man walked into the store and said to me "Rentakill, I'm here to.. uhh.. look around." I'd been on my shift for oh... ten minutes and hadn't had the childish enthusiasm drained out of me yet so I immediately squealed "OH MY GOD! NINJAS!!!!"

I got someone to apply for a store card for the first time in six months. I'm AWESOME.

Someone asked for my number. Scary fucking potatoes.

I considered getting a second job, like, working the early hours of the morning so I could balance the shifts out easier.

See, folks? Work still hasn't broken me.. yet.


Anna said...

OOooh, who asked for your number eh, Coleybear?

Nicole said...

The same person who then drove past me when I was walking to work this morning and shouted out of the window "WAKE ME UP, BEFORE YOU GO GO!"

Pure. Awesome.