Saturday 19 June 2010

"We have reached the end of the line."

Today I very nearly didn't go job hunting. I didn't want to get out of bed, then I didn't want to get out of the shower, then I didn't have any clothes.

I eventually went out looking expensive enough not to seem like I was desperate for a job and had a nightmare  trying to find the right bus. Then I got there and I got LOST, then I found two lovely stores that are recruiting which was even more of a nightmare because I love them both so I've applied to both and if I get both I am going to be loaded but tiiiired.

Then I went to work and was yelled at by customers for a couple of hours before we all shut up shop, went onto the shop floor with coke and cookies and watched England suck at the World Cup.

So, my job hunting went well! And now I'm all aloney on my owney because my mum and my sister are at my mum's house and my dad is on holiday somewhere sunny.
