Wednesday 17 March 2010

Arty B makes everything better.

I was a-talking to my friend about the day/date/time (I have a very shakey grasp of these things - no school = no concept of time at all) the other day and was HORRIFIED to discover that it's only the 17th of March so far.

Happy St. Patrick's Day by the way.

NaBloPoMo makes everything so drawwwwwwwn out. Until I was told otherwise I was sure it was the 42nd of March and that I could stop it with the typing and the clicking and the posting, but no.

Anyhoo. That's a roundabout way of saying that I've run out of things to say today, so let's all talk about my aunt's dog instead.

A few months back I posted about a critter called Lil' AB who looked an awful lot like this:

Well that was six months ago, and I did say he'd grow to be bigger than Bufflar (code name for 'Elizabeth' the insane jack russell terrier), and by God, we definitely can't call Arthur Boscastle 'Lil' AB' anymore.

This is Arty B.

He's insane. He is hyper and huge and jumpy-uppy and very, very licky. He knows I'm allergic to him, so he lies all over me when we're confined to small spaces i.e. the car. He just love me that much.

So heavily drugged up on allergy medication that I have to wear sunglasses to hide the fact that they are trying to knock me out.
We get on like a house on fire, just so long as he confines the tongue-down-the-throat thing to my sister so I can laugh and not suffer the same slobbery end.

Bonus picture: Arty B and Bufflar. Bufflar likes to think she's still incharge and she does boss him around a lot, if he goes near other dogs she will knock him the hell down. I'm sure she loves him really.

One being that doesn't love the dough-eyed Arty B and definitely doesn't love the loud-mouthed Bufflar?


Morello is my late grandma's cat who has an insane attitude problem. Grandma says she named him after the cherry trees at a place where my aunt works but I'm pretty sure she actually got the idea from Tom Morello of Rage Against The Machine.


Morello 'Fat Lad' Rogerson-Gaines-Smith. He's like the Mr Burns of cats.