Saturday 13 March 2010

I'm sorry. I'm tired. Look! Zzzzzzz...

I somwhow ended up staying awake all night last night because I'm something of an intellectual anomaly. As we droved to my grandma's in the morning, passing all the well-rested people I thought "Bastards..." I've been feasting on MaltEasters all day to keep my energy up and I can't say that it's worked. I fell asleep standing up at my grandma's house, as soon as I got home and was ready to crash BFF Main Gay.5 phoned and made me go shopping with him.

We came back to my house and played a game of Monopoly until I was all but drooling on the carpet.

Then he more of less shoved me into bed.

I'm at work tomorrow morning.

Stupid mistake - very, very sleepy.