Monday 15 March 2010

Not even my teefs know where they stand on this one. Poor teefs.

Are you all aware of just how God-awful having braces is?

Let me tell you.

They glue shit onto your teeth which rubs against the inside of your mouth so it's as sore as anything. Then your teeth start to ache so bad you're eating baby food for a week (Mmmm... mash potato...). THEN you get stuff stuck in them so you have to excuse yourself to dig it out. Then your tongue catches on it and that makes you cry a lot (which sounds like bleh-blub, bleh-blub because your tongue has been disected). Then you get your lip caught in them randomly and that hurts like hell. Then everyone wants to see them. Then just when you get used to them the dentist calls you in and Bingo! You have then tightened so it happens allllll over again. Every six weeks. Indefinitely.

I'm not gonna complain too much because my mouth is hurting and mostly I just want to sleep so it goes away, but there is a particularly godly chicken fajita sat in the fridge that I haven't been able to eat yet and I don't want to liquidise it.

What are you smiling at?

Send help. I'm in pain. I want a bacon sandwich and I have to go on a jewelry training course with work tomorrow. There is nothing remotely good about this situation.


Jassie said...

Just the sort of thing I love hearing when I know I need braces. Or teeth removed.

The second option is sounding pleasantly better.


Nicole said...

Jassie: Well, I had teeth removed, teeth uncovered (they drilled a hole in the roof of my mouth), teeth dragged across the roof of my mouth and then slammed into braces... I SO preferred having my teeth removed. :)

Person: I KNOW, right?! I couldn't agree with you more.