Saturday 12 December 2009

Falling off the social ladder - oof, that was awful.

I'm 75% sure I've broken my foot.

We use ladders at work to reach the top shelf and some gosh-darn fool ordered something that was on the top shelf because they are mean and instantly the kind of customer I don't like picking items for. But I really shouldn't complaining about customers on the internet.

It's not the customers that I don't like, it's the tickets. Please don't Dooce me.

Anyhoo, I was at the top of the ladder and I was talking to someone, then I forgot I was stood on a ladder and stepped back and took my full weight (half a whale, give or take a horse or two) on one heel and it's been aching like a bitch ever since.

I wouldn't mind having a screwed foot if it wasn't for the fact that I already have a bum leg from summer. I don't have a good leg to stand on. I tweeked the tendon in my right knee whilst trying to limbo under an automatic garage door earlier today and now I just feel rather crap.

In other news I did more Christmas shopping today. It was AWFUL. Uno, I couldn't walk, then my wallet was raped of £30 leaving me with half of my shopping done and no money to do it with, and then I couldn't buy Anner the after dinner penises (little mint fondant-filled chocolate penises) that I wanted to get, keeping in key with our relationship's firm, penis-shaped food-related foundation with delights such as penis pasta (Bonus: Jassie's Penis Cakes), so that trip was just doomed from the start, really.

Anyhoodle, I'm going to go watch one of my favorite films now: Bridget Jones' Diary.

I was so born to be her.

Seriously. If you haven't seen this film, or the film's sequel (Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason), do so, immediately.


That Girl said...

How is it possible that there are people in the universe that haven't seen Bridget Jones?
I personally watched the 2nd one before the 1st one and then read the books.

Nicole said...

There are strange, sad people in this world...

What do you think about there being a third one? (Apparently it's in pre-production now or something)

That Girl said...

Yeah, I've heard that but I'm not sure if it's going to happen. It's supposed to be about her being pregnant, right?

Nicole said...

Yup I think so. It'll be interesting if it does happen...