Monday 7 December 2009

They said there'd be snow this Christmas...

An amazing thing happened today. I actually slept through sociology without being caught. I woke up feeling a little like I was dying after four hours sleep (after the weekend I've had? Shocking) but now I'm just a strange shade of green because I stayed up until 3am doing essays and then when I got to the damn lesson no one had done them anyway.

Pfft... At least I have the moral high ground for now. Assholes. (Not really! No! Please don't ostracise me again! AHH!)

I can't really remember what I did today. I think I spent two lessons watching The Magnificent Seven or Teh Mag-nee-fee-cenn Seh-veeehn so I now know how to shoot bald guys and sombreros. You know, vital life skills.

I'll just take a moment to tell you that in true Northern English style, the weather is terrible. Cold, wet, windy, icy - the very last thing I need when I'm trying to make it through the year without shooting someone. I pity da fool that comes across me when the weather gets even worse. Blergh.

How I long for this weather:

Ahh, Tenerife! Where the heat would literally knock you out, send you down a flight of stairs ON YOUR FACE, make you have a seizure, lose all your memory and wake up as Sookie Stackhouse (true story) and leave you with epic sunburn that cracked and blistered your skin until you bled dry and left you scarred TO THIS DAY with strange pink/brown/white scars all over.

Actually, on second thoughts I don't miss that so much.

I do miss summer though. I remember when everyone (myself included) got all hyped up over Autumn and everyone was all OH EM GEE LOOK AT THE LEAVES and everyone else was all Jesus it's a leave for fuck's sake and all I was left with was that video of the suicidal leaves that I posted about in May which was hilarious so you should definitely click that link.

In Summer I'll think of Winter as snow and icy fresh air and the smell of burning wood and the cool clean smell that comes from the countryside when the city cools down, but it never is like that. Most years there is no snow and we just see endless rain and flooding.

This was taken exactly a year ago yesterday. Nothing's looked like that in a very long time.

Getting that sinking feeling...


r beezy said...

the magnificent seven is shite int it?! haha xx

Nicole said...

I knoooow, right?! :P I've watched it for the last three lessons and we're still not finished. Ahh!! xx

That Girl said...

It's supposed to get below freezing tonight. Which, for Californians, is intolerable and leads to beaucoup de bitching. This morning I made myself mittens out of a scarf by tying the ends in big knots around each of my hands. The dangly bit was like a jumbo version of the string that holds little kids mittens together so if they lose one they lose them both.
Have you ever seen The Pianist? Watched it last year in history. It was really good but... The most depressing movie ever. The whole class wanted to hug some puppies and unicorns afterwards.

Nicole said...

Below zero? Stay in bed. Seriously, NOTHING is worth that. (unless you mean Fahrenheit in which case it's not too bad... *gulp*)

I'm just riding it out with my cheap H&M hoodie and jeans with massive holes in them. I know how to do this winter shiz, obviously. (Read: Freezing my sorry arse of everyday.)

I watched some of The Pianist in Film Studies last term. So sad! Definitely Unicorn'n'Kittens O'Clock when it was over.