Thursday 17 December 2009

On Christmas cheer.

York puts up the Christmas decorations at the end of October. Halloween mix-ups lead to a Zombie Santa knocking at my door for sweets once - excellent statement, kiddo.

Anyhoo, at school we wait until the 1st of December to put up the decorations, but I'm known to've been singing Christmas songs since early May (hey, Slade is timeless).

Tonight is the sixth form Christmas party (no booze = no fun = no Nicole present), and today we were all sat in the common room sticking Guns N' Roses posters and the like to the walls (go Year 13, go!) when very suddenly...


There was pause enough for everyone to stop what they were doing, pull up the blinds, turn down the music and look out of the window, and then a cheer went up.

People were dancing, pushing up all the blinds, wearing tinsel, hugging, cheering, and then the speakers threw out Mariah Carey like never before.


We don't get snow here much, but when we do it's a big deal. Especially in the lower school. We'd had a few flakes of sleet-ish stuff this morning and the year sevens went apeshit, but now? Actually flakes of white snow and stuff. I wasn't sure it'd settle but Will AWESOMEFACE Torgerson, our unofficial wrong-75%-of-the-time-and-so-still-kinda-reliable weatherman said that it'll snow through til 8am tomorrow. And then I got home to see the whole of Yorkshire is on a severe weather warning (CODE RED, WEAR A COAT - England stops for no snowman, big or small).

Another thing is that you always now it's Christmas in the UK if the Coca Cola advert has been on TV. There's a Facebook group for it as well. It's a BIG. DEAL. if the Coca Cola advert comes on.

However, one sure way to kill the Christmas spirit (somewhat literally) is as follows.

1. Make a chocolate Santa, rap it up in Santa-looking foil with a ribbon and bell around the waist.

2. Put a stonking great sticker on the bottom reading "WARNING: BELL AND RIBBON REPRESENT CHOKING HAZARD".

3. Leave poor customer wondering what part of Christmas choking to death symbolises.

4. Allow customer to weep over the realisation that it must be the number of cold turkey sandwich-related deaths each Christmas.

5. See to it that customer becomes disaffected and becomes a whole different level of cold turkey in time for Christmas.

Learn from Whittards' mistakes, people.


rachaelgking said...

We're supposed to get TWO FEET tomorrow and we almost never get snow... I am a little terrified but excited!

Nicole said...

Woooow... Awesome. Good luck with that! And enjoy! (If you can get past the fact that it's Freezing with a capital eff pretty much everywhere...)