Tuesday 1 December 2009

Bring it ooonnn, byotch.

Nearly totally forgot I was meant to be pretending to be a nice person today. Whups.

Well today I gave someone my Mars Bar. Not sure I really 'gave' it to them. More, I put it down on the table and when I looked back at it, it wasn't there and his breath smelt of chocolate.


At any rate, that wasn't all I gave today, because today I gave someone wings. Yes. That's right. Wings.

But I'm not going to go on about that, it was a last-ditch attempt at giving whilst I was still feeling friendly.

Instead I'm going to tell you about... ZE GREAT WINTER OF 2009!

Remember back in February when it was sensationally cold and there were blizzards n'shit?

Of course you do.

Well it's got cold again. It's not even a respectable kind of cold. It's an oh em gee it's so fricking coooooolllld - kind of cold. It's the kind of cold where you breathe and your head disappears.


Not only is it cold, but York has flooded too. That's just peachy. The main road to get to school was flooded, so the buses were canceled, I was stood at the bus stop for a half hour before someone had the heart to tell me that I'd be walking all the way to school.

Damn it.

(Ice would be surprised how cold it was)

Long story short, it took an hour to navigate around all the iced-over puddles before showing up in film studies half way through the lesson. The best part was that my teacher was more worried about that fact that I was more or less blue than the fact that I was massively late. Win.

It took me three hours to warm up, and for all of those three hours I wanted nothing more or less than a Starbucks caramel hot chocolate with muchos whipped cream.

One word: Nom.


That Girl said...

Cold? What is this cold you speak of?
Hi, I'm from California and need to be reminded that people in normal parts of the world have seasons. Although it does get cold during "winter". But...never near freezing. And we have no snow. But we have Starbucks!
(This is That Girl. Only with a new email that I had to get for a new & functional blog.)

Nicole said...

Hey! :) California? I envy you! Northern England has no real seasons either, summer is just a break from the cold (we have months of rain instead... yay.)

We have Starbucks too (actually had a caramel hot chocolate TO DIE FOR today before work) and usually there are one or two Americans working in them (Real Live Americans! How classy!) which is great because as English people we get excited by the prospect of different ways of making tea. :P