Friday 4 December 2009

I don't want a lot of Christmas... no, really. I mean it this time.

Christmas is going to be gluuum this year. I spend most of my work hours around awesome things like stacks and stacks of shiny toys and games and TVs and consoles and.. umm... full body waxing kits and I give customers all these fabulous things and I know that they are going to have a massively better Christmas than me because even with my staff discount, I can't afford squat.

Bah humbug, all I do around Christmas is worry about money and torment my brother, but even he is going to Paris this Christmas, the bastard.

Anyhoo, in the interest of saving money (I have £20 to buy presents for all my friends and family this year - fail) this is what I want for Christmas:

- Word of the day calendar: because seriously, those things are awesome and Our Lord Archer is forever telling me to expand my vocabulary because I'm working class and I can't let the middle class win by out-smarting me or something.

- Awesome keyring: My keys are currently the nosiest set of keys ever, with a digital photo frame, two keys, two huge Nightwish keyrings and a USB stick. The colour is all wrong. I want a REALLY BRIGHT KEYRING.

- More photo frames: I have this amazing five-panel one that Lemon got me for my birthday and now that it's filled with pictures of me, Anner, Mo-Balls, Lemon and Hooker (alternative name for BFF Main Gay.5) it sits around on my shelf and winks awesomeness at me.

- The Resistance by Muse: I've been waiting to be able to afford this album for three months = TOO LONG.

- Lots of AAA batteries: My MP3 player chews through these in minutes.

- A deck of cards: I'm forever borrowing other people's cards.

Bonus: The strength to withstand my ASSHOLE SISTER for another year.

No worries, I think she might get better with time.

Anyhoo, I have to go to my primary school's Christmas fair before heading down to The Duchess for muchos music and drink, so I'll be off now.

Happy Friday, peeps!


That Girl said...

An MP3 player that runs on real batteries? What a strange child you are.

Nicole said...

Ahh, but you have to account for the fact that I am English and therefore several centuries behind you.