Tuesday 17 February 2009

All we know is falling.

Sorry I'm being a bit slack with the posts right now. Other than the internet crapping out at every opportunity it sees, I'm also busy sorting other stuff out such as the house and my social life.

Oh yes, and my grandma is dying.

I feel bad saying it just like that. And I feel worse when I see how cut up Mum is and wonder why on Earth I'm not sobbing my heart out.

But I'm not.

I'm too tired. That's the worst thing.

Yesterday was a great day. I took Rach into town to meet with the Urban Family and we spent most of our time in the train station drinking coffee, fruit tea, coke or hot chocolate and eating chocolate tiffin (what a word!) and muffins (om nom nom). We walked by the river and crossed over on the train bridge. That in itself was a near disaster (don't argue Matt, just accept it, it WAS).

Me: Ummm... What do we do if a train comes?
Matt: We'll hear it, the track'll start squealing.
Me: What's that noise?
Matt: It's a train. It'll stop at the statio-
Me: RUUUN!!!

I'm going back to Whitby with the Urbans tomorrow which'll be fab, but Rach is going home, which is not so much.

We're not sure how that's going to be arranged at the moment because we have no idea if Mum will be up to driving, or even if Grandma will still be with us. So yeah.

But anyway. I've been sat in my room on my own for just that little bit too long now so I'm gonna go.

Auf Wiedersehen.