Sunday 15 February 2009

Things I did on QuirkySingle Day

(Valentine's Day can get fugged)

Not much romantic about Valentine's Day really is there?

Oh? You don't agree?


Ah, yes, I see why. I haven't told you how I spend Valentine's Day.

1. Wake up too late, probably ill from something consumed the night before.

2. Lie in bed and contemplate the positives of being single.

3. Give up quickly and read a book, probably a romance where Everybody Dies Alone.

4. Have all-out pig-out in the kitchen. Raid all cupboards. Leave no scone unturned.

5. Feel sorry for self for having eaten too much.

6. Recieve present from my mum.

7. Think of different ways to lie about how I recieved it.

8. Stay up too late on MSN talking to other bored singletons.

9. vow to get a boyfriend so this ritual is never repeated (this won't happen).

10. Go to bed congratulating myself for having survived another year of spinsterhood.

[11. Try to block out the sound of my neighbours.]


Today was a little bit different. I forgot me for the day. I cleaned out my grandma's house and broke all the ice in the garden. I went to pick up Rach and we ate ice cream and watched a fantabulous film called August Rush. We ate a tri-lingual meal (Italian, Indian and Chinese food all on a plate is NOT advised) and she went on MSN whilst I did some homework (the goddamn laptop's internet refused to work on the one night a year that I have a real reason to complain about life). I went to bed and dreamed about Rob Pattinson. I woke up when Rach's phone made a bid for freedom and landed on her head.

I stopped thinking about me.

And it made me happy on what is - for me - the single most depressing and belittling day of the year.

And so I guess this is a good thing.