Sunday 22 February 2009

Pride and Prejudice

People often hear the word pride and think of all the negative connotations of it. I confess, I'm someone who shies away from praise, being too modest for 'normal' people's standards. Bit I've kind of grown more fond of pride over time, I can appreciate me on the same level as other people these days.

Pride is watching a child grow, loving her so much, and then feeling all warm inside because they got recognition at school, and you're smiling because you told the world all along that she was an incredible little girl from the word go.

Pride is the grin on your face when your form teacher admits that you are better with words than he is.

Pride is the hope you feel when a teacher gives you a glowing report in your favourite subject, and them telling you that you should feel proud, and you do because, well... They've taught you well so far.

Pride is the happiness that comes with setting yourself a goal and then achieving it, and life being better for it.

Pride is a writer seeing his name in print for the first time and him promising himself that it is merely the first of many.

Pride is an artist filling a canvas with imagination, stepping back on completion and thinking "see? I've made my dream a reality."

Real pride is doing something for yourself that benefits others.

Modesty is doing something for others that benefits yourself.

Be happy with who you are. You can't go wrong.


Matt said...

One day grandma...
your name will be there...
that is one of the if not the best post on your Blog... And i totally agree... be proud :D