Wednesday 25 February 2009

I love you baby.

I was just talking away to Cherry on MSN, minding my own business when she said this...

[Apologies for the MSN transcript, I know they are blogging faux pas...]

Chez says:
I will upload a blog in a matter of seconds.
August Rush - Oww fuckety oww says:
August Rush - Oww fuckety oww says:
Did you get my copyright notice?
Chez says:
Should be there.
Chez says:
Seeya x

*At this point I go to read Cherry's latest blog post*

August Rush - Oww fuckety oww says:

Look what she's posted.

I need to explain that top picture.

I look like a douche because:

a) It was day four/five of Berlin and I'd had no sleep in that time.
b) I wasn't very engaged because EVERYONE had their cameras out and were snapping away.
c) I was at the top of the Berlin TV tower looking down.

Now, remembering that I have all these FANTASTIC reasons, I would like you to look at this picture.

What's Cherry's excuse here? She took this photo all by herself... I just assisted in the background (note: Me and Joe are like the devils on her shoulders... Cherry has no angels).

I also think that Cherry was very evil to interrupt this potentially beautiful scene. Me and Matt could have been having a TENDER MOMENT for all Cherry knew. (I jest, I jest...)

So TAKE THAT, Cherry!