Friday 20 February 2009

My week in pictures.

Sunday - Me and Rach took my sister to the park where I fell in love with a horse (that horse was all kinds of awesome).

Monday - Me, Rach, Anna, Matt, Tilda and Emma (now to be called Lemon) went into town to discuss Whitby planning and to drink muchos wufta tea (fruit tea... Matt luuurves the fruit tea) before going to Borders (note: my favourite shop in the known universe) and sitting on the window ledge, waving to people on the street and trying to get waved at in return.

Wednesday - Said goodbye to Rach and took her to the station where she boarded THE GHOST TRAIN. Met the Urban Family in town at three o'clock and we went to Stonebow to catch our bus. The bus drivers were extremely mardy, the first over-charged and lectured Anna for no reason with no right and the second drove away with Emma and Tilda still on the bus, they both fell down the stairs with their suitcases and he shouted at them when it was HIS fault for not checking! What a douche!

Thursday - In the morning we (the Urban Family) went to the beach and climbed around there(Matt practically scaled a cliff). Then we went into the town and ate chocolate and fudge and things before going back home... After muchos blogging and eating yummy Anna-made soup we filmed a video of Emma, Tilda and Matt dying of the Plague for Anna's school work. Then we went out again for food, walking on the pier and climbing up the 199 to Dracula's Castle/the church. Went home and played charades with Evan on the webcam before going to bed.

Friday - After staying up very late to hear a bedtime story about a dog who fell in love with a flea (I'm not even going to begin trying to count the flaws in that relationship) we woke up and got ready to leave. Matt copied a recording of Twilight onto my laptop (which I have since deleted... Sorry to waste your time Matt) and then we got on the bus going home. When we arrived in York I was very happy to see this welcoming us home.

Further proof that I live in a shit-hole. Who needs roads, just follow your nose!

(I jest... I love York, even if it is a mindnumbingly boring place to live.)