Tuesday 10 February 2009


Being in a school environment everyday means I'm frequently subject to change.

Some things, small things, don't change. My friends are mostly the same group of people. My name is still Nicole Smith. I still buy my tomato-pasta-and-noodle-salad, low-fat chocolate milkshake and bog-standard biscuit for lunch every day. These things probably won't change until I finish school.

Big things though... I leave school this year. I turn sixteen this year too. But today we all got word of some news that caused absolute outrage.

Last year I posted about P. Daddy leaving my form to become our head of year. This upset me a lot. It still bothers me, because I now have an utterly incompetent form tutor who treats us like year sevens and is just plain stupid about everything.

Today we all got wind of news that they were changing all the forms next year. Instead of us being grouped by year, we'll be split up from our year and left with loads of other years as form groups. We'll have houses and it'll be shit.

I was so angry! Everyone is! It's crap. We year elevens (will be year twelve by then) will be stressed out as it is without having to share a goddamn form with some dithering year sevens or smarmy year tens. It's better to be around people who are going through the same stuff and can be related to.

Of course, the teachers won't have it. They are so hellbent on making Fulford a 'model school' that they have focused on statistics and forgotten all about the people behind them.

The teachers weren't allowed to tell us, but we found out anyway. They were threatened with the sack but we're not gonna grass the teacher who told us up, it's our business.

They are going to announce it officially tomorrow. I'll be the one selling rotten tomatoes in assembly, I'll make a fortune. Everyone's angry now, they'll want to throw stuff at the teachers.

I'm only reserving judgement on Sonic Jobson, P. Daddy, Poppy-man and Ms Brzozowska, because they, a) didn't deny it, and b) are too nice for me to be mad at (P. Daddy made Tilda a cup of tea today).

Grr. I don't like change.


Jassie said...

I'm not fully understanding this, but are you saying like you now have to share the entire school with every other year and jazz?

Nicole said...

It is complicated... The idea is that at the moment we have form groups within years (e.g. I am currently in 11SBY) and that's called horizontal tutoring because it goes *across* the year. They are changing in to vertical tutoring, so it going *down* the years, and they are scrapping the idea of grouping everyone by years altogether, so we'd be in four 'houses' instead. IT's pretty much just the same as Harry Potter ;-P

Jassie said...

Oh. We already have that here. Each year is assigned a house going by letter names and then they are pretty much stuck with it. I think our private schools call them tutor groups. =p