Monday 23 February 2009

A note from me to you.

I haven't done anything productive, interesting or fun today. I got a play-by-play account of what happened at the Oscars last night. I typed up the City Of York Teenage Pregnancy Strategy. I ate yummy vegetarian sushi. I stayed curled up in pain unable to eat due to various pitfalls at different stages of my digestive system. I told Cherry I was going to arrest her for STEALING PARTS OF MY BLOG (WITCHCRAFT!).

Other than all that? Nothing.

I have nothing to write. It's kind of understandable as I have gone from looking slightly out of it like this:

To death on legs like this:

Over the course of just a few days.

So it's reasonable for me to have concentrated on STAYING ALIVE rather than thinking of things to write.

...I have a feeling I'm going to take that back pretty soon.