Wednesday 25 March 2009

I can't wait for me.

Today I decided that I was too caught up acting the way people expect me to, so that has to stop.

Translation: I refuse to be insufferably quiet anymore. I refuse to take people's crap and not stand up for myself. I'm not like that anymore, I can't hang around waiting for the person I used to be. I need to be me, which is something else entirely.


I also have bog-all time today. We (my drama class) were going to revolt but one member is being an utter douche and so I have another portfolio to write.

Smarmy little shit...

So yes. I can't remember if I've rambled on about drama much here, but I've certainly been doing a lot of it recently.


(Yeah. That's my way of saying: 'Here are some photos, bye!')

Codders, Liv and me as Hobby, Salty and Gail in our version of 'Teechers'.

Me as Gail, rocking the neon legwarmers.

Codders, Liv and me again, mid-scene.