Monday 30 March 2009

What I go to school for.

Sometimes, well, a lot of the time, I grumble about school and WHY OH WHY OH WHY DELILAH? But sometimes it's not so bad...

Occasionally funning things happen at school. Sometimes the time arises when I can turn to Matt in physics and say 'use the force Luke, I've run out of lubricant', or giggle and clap my hands like a toddler when confronted with something called 'Le Prof Sadique' in French, which reads upon translation as:

1. His (teacher's) eyes are evil as he watches you.
2. He doesn't like you.
3. You can be really proud if you get good grades.
4. But if you enter a discussion with him you are always wrong.
5. It's best to avoid being noticed.

It's honestly like a word-for-word account of a run-in with my drama teacher.

Or maybe what I go for school for is being able to look back in my planner and school books and find notes scribbled down that were intended for my blog but never made it that far, such as:

"Having a Bill Bailey moment in which we discover that everywhere else has a news theme that you can groove to, whilst the BBC just has an apocolyptic rave."

... And...

"11.52am - French.

Reading about 'Sauvez Willy 2' whilst sitting by the oh-so-epic 'Airforce 1 Climate Control' machine, which means that all the disease in the room is being sucked up and blown onto me. FML."

Either way, there is something about school that makes it bearable once I'm out of bed, away from the crazies on the bus and actually there.

But if I were to dispell all that and pin the blame on someone, I'd say these guys are what I go to school for.

What will happen when Emma takes them to college?!