Sunday 8 March 2009

I'm sick of all the noise.

So guess what.

I'm all crappy and ill again.

I can see this becoming my mantra. It somes up my personality, hobbies and sense of humour in two words.

Nicole Smith: She's ill.

I like it on a weird level.

After lying in bed, scowling at the wall for two hours, I decided that, no, I would not stay down and suffer this crap-ola. Instead I went and did something productive to pass the time.

Isn't that just the best damn fridge you have ever seen?

Then I made the ultimate binge burger.

I know, it looks horrible, but it tastes so good... And it's vegetarian, which means it's healthy up until the point it got smothered in mayonnaise and salad cream.

Don't judge me.

I even relaxed into something very Sunday-ish - Reading the paper, which left me:

1. Wondering what British values this woman was talking about.

And 2. Remembering why I am glad I don't live anywhere near London.


Illness was not going to get the best of me. I wrote up my history essay to half-arsed perfection and thought about the things that really matter, like why the hell was there granola in my bed?!

I dosed up too.

Then I watched the last ten minutes of The Boy In Striped Pyjamas which may well have been the worst decision ever made. I cried so hard, it reminded me of Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp where I went last year. Ugh.

I retreated to the shower and stayed there for two hours. I think I may have fallen asleep. (Impressive, huh?)

But I have extra good news now. I may be going to Tenerife in August... But it's gonna be so hot! (I'm a rain person.)

So now I have some (more) incentive to finish school, and tomorrow, come rain, snot or shine, I am definitely going into school.

Immune System: ∞, Nicole: 1.